A brief history and virtual tour of Pavilion N 5 of the Patriot Park technical site of the former Kubinka Tank Museum according to the memoirs and archives of those who served here.
- General view in 2021
- Another view of the restored pavilion
- British Lend-Lease WW2 tanks
- French armored vehicles from Hall N7
- Cz
- Vickers-Carden-Loyd British light tank model 1934
- UK bridge layer, WW2 Lend-Lease for USSR
- Canadian WW2 snowmobile made of wood, Lend-Lease for USSR
- UK for Israel tanks
- Another type of British Mk tanks for Israel
- Soviet Cold War trophies
Freshly painted and recently renovated, the building looks like new. Beautiful doors at the entrance with a rain canopy and a color display providing important information to guests. A bright, spacious room with lamps, partially heated in winter and ventilated in summer. The exhibits are located at a distance from each other so that tourists can view them from different angles. Most of the exhibits have signs with descriptions in Russian, although sometimes with errors. Many exhibits have been restored and painted in authentic historical colors with tactical markings. Some of the armored vehicles, mostly supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease, were transported to another location in Patriot Park. After the liquidation of Pavilion H7, some of the exhibits were transported to Pavilion N 5, which has now become hybrid by country. All this was done after the formation of Patriot Park in just a few years. But this situation was not always the case. Below we offer a virtual tour of the pavilion during the Cold War and the gangster era of the 90s in Russia. Our Time Machine will show what the pavilion looked like 10, 15, 20 years ago during the process of transformation.
After the Second World War, the location of armored vehicles to the left and right of the main alley was systematized according to the purpose of the exhibits. During the Cold War, NATO countries led by the USA and Great Britain were considered the main enemy. Soviet designers closely followed the development of Anglo-American armored vehicles, and special KGB teams carried out illegal operations to capture and deliver the latest models to the USSR for study. In all hot spots of the planet during wars and local conflicts, KGB officers and GRU officers tried to steal operational or damaged tanks and self-propelled guns of a potential enemy. In exchange for military assistance, the USSR received from its friends a lot of captured military vehicles such as M46 and M113 during the war in Korea and Vietnam. These are not only American tanks, but also amphibious armored personnel carriers. And although the history of receiving enemy armored vehicles was classified, and all documentation was destroyed in 1993*, thanks to the veterans of the test site, the history of some exhibits was preserved.
USA M41 Walker Bulldog Sweet tank. In 1961, the Bay of Pigs War began to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. There were American military bases on the islands, and the rebels also received armored vehicles from the United States. According to the legend, based on the memories of veterans of the Kubinka test site, the receipt of the exhibit was as follows. The engine of the tank stalled and it was impossible to start it quickly. Time passed closer to lunch and the tank crew slowly departed for the military base. After lunch, the crew discovered that the tank had been stolen by unknown persons. Perhaps unknown specialists were able to start the engine or evacuate the tank with other armored vehicles. But how can it be taken to the USSR if the entire island is surrounded by American border and customs posts during the blockade? Cuba traditionally supplied sugar to the USSR and this was practically the only source of income for the revolutionary government of Fidel Castro. In 1962, a stolen tank was placed in the hold of a ship and covered with sugar. At American customs, sugar was indicated as cargo and the tank arrived in the USSR. For a long time, tank range officers cleaned the inside of the tank from sugar, but it was very difficult. The tank stood in the museum hangar H5 with leftover sugar and received the nickname “sweet”. We hope that in the future Cold War historians will infer the name and route of this ship.
One tank was donated to Kubinka by a great friend of the USSR, Saddam Hussein himself. The tank was in good working order, and as a bonus, Saddam Hussein handed over samples of ammunition, of course, for study and not for display to visitors.
Another Israeli tank was destroyed along with its crew. For a long time, the governments of the USSR and Russia hid this fact itself, but in the 2000s it became known to the general public and caused a great resonance in Israel. Where the Arabs and Soviet specialists distributed the corpses of the Jewish tank crews is still unknown. According to the memoirs of veterans of the tank training ground, inside the tank there was a persistent smell of a decomposed human body for a long time. From the surviving fragments it is possible to determine the DNA and names of the crew members, but in Russia no one will do this for sure. In Israel, the science of DNA determination is considered one of the best and best in the world. At the request of the relatives of the deceased members, the Israeli Government persistently asked that this tank be returned to the relatives, as the only surviving mass grave. As compensation, the Israeli Army donated the same tank, even with a rarer modification, to the Kubinka Tank Museum.
And another interesting story with an American tank and its dynamic protection. Dynamic protection was made in Soviet design bureaus and shown to the head of the Armored Forces, Marshal Babajanyan. According to the memoirs, a World War II veteran with a Caucasian mindset could not understand how it worked and protected the tank. Carry explosives on the armor of a tank turret? No, I don’t allow it.
During Soviet times, Jews in the USSR were persecuted, and Stalin generally wanted to deport them to a distant, cold, deserted area in Siberia called the “Jewish Autonomous Okrug.” Stalin’s death stopped the deportations, but persecution and persecution of Jews continued. The KGB at the state level caused hatred of Israel and supporters of Zionism. In Soviet times, Jews were considered an intelligent, brilliant nation, among whom there were many leading engineers in design bureaus. The Soviet government tried to re-educate them, make them forget their national authenticity and history, turn them into Soviet people. In response to this, Jews began to try to leave the USSR en masse and move to live in their historical homeland in Israel. Some of them, despite all the difficulties, succeeded. The USSR has always helped its Arab friends in the struggle for the destruction of Israel as a state. To save the lives of their tank crews, Jewish emigrants from Soviet design bureaus transferred all the dynamic protection technology to the United States. The United States not only made such protection called the Blazer, but also provided it to Israeli tanks for testing. During the constant Arab-Israeli wars, American defense performed well against the fire of Soviet T-54 tanks. Only based on the experience of the Arab-Israeli wars, the USSR also adopted the Soviet dynamic protection “Contact”.
How foreign armored vehicles were tested. At the test site there was a research and testing institute N38, where there was a department that dealt with foreign technology. Special laboratories studied the composition of armor, weapons and protection. The hardness of the steel was tested with a special set of drills of different strengths. The set of drills consisted of 8-10 of a certain diameter. The resulting metal chips were also studied. Even now, drilling holes can be found on some museum exhibits. Even the famous German super-heavy tank Maus has traces of this drilling. At the training ground, special officers and drivers of foreign armored vehicles studied driving performance on a special tank track with obstacles. To service the Institute, there was a special tank regiment consisting of soldiers and officers. Although all the results of tests and research went to the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense), many officers of the Institute were on the staff of the 3rd KGB directorate for military counterintelligence. While serving in another department, such KGB officers wore the uniform of their tank units, where they were actually located. Thus, pavilion N5 of the tank museum was also a storage place for foreign armored vehicles for testing at the test site. At the beginning of the 2000s, the Museum became an independent organization, separating from the Polygon, the Institute and the tank regiment. Let’s mentally move back a quarter of a century and take a virtual tour of Pavilion N 5 in the late 90s and early 00s and show how the Pavilion changed over time.
Virtual tour of the Pavilion 25 years ago
- To the left of the entrance is a row of American armored vehicles (2003)
- The first attempts to depict brown spots in the late 90s, The second, back row includes British armored vehicles
- WW2 Canadian snowmobiles, Lend-Lease for USSR
Virtual tour of the pavilion N5, as it was a museum from the foundation in 1972 to 2014
“Pavilion No. 5 welcomes you with armored weapons from the United Kingdom and the US Just ahead of you is the diamond-shaped bulk of the world’s first tank-building company – the English tank MK-5 (really a tank * in which you can be fooled by the rumble, stuffiness and burning).
It is never too late to thank the peoples who helped us during the war, all those who did, collected, delivered tanks, cars, food through the seas and oceans to distant Russia.
In particularly difficult periods, they withdrew various equipment from their own combat units for immediate dispatch to Russia. They gave us what they had …
In the Soviet Union, under the Lend-Lease program, England and the United States sent 21491 units of armored vehicles (England 7778 and the USA 13713 respectively), including:
- table of deliveries of equipment by Lend-Lease
At the same time, during the wiring of the northern convoys, 1981 armored vehicles were lost (England 839 and US 1142).
In the years of the Second World War, the USSR received 19734 units of armored vehicles according to the lend-lease. This amounted to approximately 16% of tanks, 12% of ACS and 100% of armored vehicles.
Many opinions, talks about armored vehicles supplied to the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War by Britain and the USA in lend-lease: supplied little, worse than the Germans, worse than domestic equipment. But they gave what they fought for themselves! In addition, before making a decision on deliveries, we checked individual samples at the test site and in real Russian conditions, mudslides, frosty winters and lack of roads. Come, look, ask, listen, think and make up your own, your opinion. ” (colonel Boris Ozerov)
* – refers to the English “tank” (cistern…), where the name “tank”.
Tanks from the Golan Heights (Israel), a family of Lend-Lease armored vehicles, local wars ..
The first exhibit for this pavilion was captured in 1920 by the Red Army of Comrade Trotsky in the port of Novorossiysk, where British tanks Mk V (“Rombus”) or “Bolshie” were supplied for General Vladimir Denikin’s VSYUR by Soviet terminology, but he did not enter the museum until 1938 As removed from the Red Army. Obsolete and subject to installation on the monuments of the heroic struggle of the Red Army (Comrade Trotsky Stalin) against the AFWR General Denikin and the Russian Army General Wrangel.
The following exhibits of the museum were left after the purchase in the 30s in the UK of various tanks such as “Cardin-Loyd-Vickers” as samples for studying and manufacturing the first Soviet tanks.
During the Great Patriotic War, the United Kingdom and the United States supplied Stalin with armor to protect the socialist homeland. These tanks, bridge bridges, armored personnel carriers were tested at the Kubinka to decide whether to receive it or not. The instruction for the crews in Russian was also developed. The collection of the pavilion presents both received by Lend-Lease, and not approved by Soviet specialists.
Fascist Germany captured some samples of British equipment for its study at the Koumensdorf training ground. Such “trophies” also went to the Red Army.
At the height of the Cold War, the USSR friends in the socialist camp or countries that had embarked on the path of “anti-imperialist development” supplied the Kubinka, at the request of the GRU, with various samples of foreign military equipment from zones of armed conflict. The war in Korea, Vietnam, the Arab-Israeli wars helped to get the basic samples of US and British armored vehicles, including Israeli modifications, for study. One tank of the “Cuban brothers” was stolen at an American military base, covered with sugar and smuggled in the ship’s hold in the USSR.
One American tank was presented personally by Saddam Hussein to Kubinka.
After the fall of the Soviet Union for a while, the museum in Kubinka established inter-museum relations with colleagues in Bovington and we received several interesting samples of British tanks of the Cold War era as an exchange. Found on the ground fighting military equipment Lend-Lisa passing Kubinka went to the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill.
For the summer of 2016 part of the pavilion’s technique moved to a new location, closer to the Patriot Park.
Hall N5 British / USA / Canada vehicles official catalogue exhibit list description
British tanks soviet description:
N2 Vickers-Carden-Loyd light amphibious
The Vickers-Carden-Loyd tank was developed in 1930 by Vickers-Armstrong. It was released serially from 1931. Model was in service with the British Army. In the battles was not used (?).
- Vickers-Carden-Loyd light amphibious (Kubinka Archives 2016)
- Vickers-Carden-Loyd amphibious (2016 Archives before hall re-building)
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 3 tons, Number of crew – 2 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 3960 x 2080 x 1830 mm.
Armament: a machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.92 mm., ammunition – 2000 cartridges
Armored protection – 9 mm.
Engine power – 40 horsepower, The maximum speed is 32 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 120 km., Speed of crossing water obstacles afloat – 6 km / h.
Design Features: Base – used car aggregates and units.
General layout – the engine is located in the stern of the hull on the right; driving wheels in front; The turret of the cylindrical form is displaced to the left relative to the longitudinal axis of the machine; on the sides in the upper part there are two longitudinal float-boxes, filled with a stopper.
Armament – a machine gun placed in a rotating turret.
Protection – riveted body made of rolled armored plates.
Chassis – carburetor engine “Ford T”; assemblies and assemblies are taken from cars; Suspension blocked, spring; small tracks; The motion is afloat provided by a propeller.
N3 Light tank Vickers – Armstrongs
It was developed in 1936 by the Vickers-Armstrong Company, which was produced serially from 1937. It was in service with the British Army.
- Light tank Vickers – Armstrongs (N3 as list), 2007 Kubinka Archives
- Vickers – Armstrongs British light tank (Kubinka Archives 2007)
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 4.2 tons, Number of crew – 2 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 3070 x 1890 x 2020 mm.
Armament: gun anti-tank – 1 pc., caliber – 40 mm., ammunition – 58 shots, Armored protection – 9 mm. Engine power – 87 horsepower, The maximum speed is 48 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 120 km. The depth of water barriers to be surfaced is 0.8 meters.
Design Features: Base is the original. General layout – the engine is located in the middle of the hull on the right; driving wheels in front; The tower has the form of a truncated hexagonal pyramid. Armament – telescopic sight; periscopic panorama and glass blocks of the Triplex type. Protection – the body and the tower riveted, from the rolled armor of medium hardness; all sheets are set to tilt.
Chassis – motor vehicle “Meadows” liquid cooling; transmission is mechanical.
N4 English Light Tank Mk VII Tetrarch
Tank was developed in 1938 by Vickers. It was produced serially from 1938 to 1945. It was in service with the British Army. Used in the battles of the Second World War. Delivered in limited quantities to the USSR by Lend-Lease.
- English Light Tank Mk VII Tetrarch (Catalogue list N4), 2006 Kubinka Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 9,5 tons, Number of crew – 3 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 4330 x 2300 x 2110 mm.
Armament: gun -1 piece, caliber – 40 mm., ammunition – 58 shots, machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.92 mm., ammunition – 2025 cartridges, Armored protection – 15 mm.
Engine power – 165 horsepower, The maximum speed is 45 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 224 km.
The depth of water barriers to be surfaced is 0.8 meters.
Design Features: Base – the original, The overall layout is classical.
Armament – two grenade launchers are installed outside the turret for throwing smoke grenades; There is a lifting mechanism for the gun and the rotation of the turret with a manual drive. Protection – the body and the turret riveted, with the vertical arrangement of sheets of high hardness. Chassis – carburetor engine, twelve-cylinder, opposing “Meadows”, liquid cooling, located above the transmission; the role of the driving wheels is performed by the rear support rollers; individual suspension, hydropneumatic suspension; turning mechanism – simple differential; turning of the machine is carried out in the plan, with all the supporting rollers turning; steering wheel.
N5 English tank Mk IIa Matilda III
The tank was developed in 1939 by Vickers-Armstrong. It was produced serially from 1940 to 1943. Tank was in service with the British Army, he was supplied to the USSR by Lend-Lease. Used in the battles of the Second World War.
- WW2 British medium tank Mk IIa Matilda III (catalogue list N 5), 2006 Kubinka Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: weight – 25 tons, Number of crew – 4 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 5715 x 2515 x 2565 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 40 mm., ammunition – 67 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.92 mm., ammunition -3150 cartridges; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.7 mm., ammunition – 2800 rounds, Armored protection – 78 mm.
Engine power – 190 (2 x 95) horsepower, The maximum speed is 25 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 130 km. The depth of water barriers, fordable – 1.2 meters.
Design Features: The base is original, unlike other tanks of the Matilda series, produced since 1936, is insignificant, The overall layout is classical.
Armament – the mechanism of rotation of the turret is hydraulic; telescopic sight; periscopic observation devices; on the turret (outside) a grenade launcher is installed to throw smoke grenades. Protection – the turret and the front of the body are cast; the chassis is covered with a bulwark; connection of armored parts.
Chassis – power plant – two automobile diesel engines of the firm “Leyland” liquid cooling; To facilitate the cold start, an ethereal carburetor with ampoules is used; transmission mechanical; gearbox planetary type “Wilson”; turning mechanisms – side friction; Suspension blocked, spring, without shock absorbers.
Note: For the summer of 2017, the tank was moved from the exposition of the tank museum in Kubinka to Patriot Park.
N7 Bridge-layer Valentine-scissors
It was developed in 1940 by the company Vickers-Armstrong, produced from 1941 to 1944. It was in service with the British Army, it was supplied to the USSR by Lend-Lease. Used in the battles of the Second World War.
- British WW2 bridge-builder Valentine “scissors”, Kubinka 2007 Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 19.25 tons, Number of crew – 1 person.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 7190 x 2950 x 3450 mm.
Armament – missing, Armor protection, mm 60. Bridge carrying capacity – 46 tons, Bridge guidance time – 3-10 minutes. The width of the obstructed obstacle is 9 meters.
Engine power – 130 horsepower, The maximum speed is 26 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 170 km. The depth of water barriers, fordable – 1.2 meters
Design Features: Base – the chassis of the tank “Valentine”.
General layout – bridge guidance is carried out without leaving the crew from the tank; to install a bridge in the marching position requires the help of two people. Armament is missing, Protection is the same as the basic machine.
Chassis – The power take-off to the bridge drive is carried out from the crankshaft of the tank engine through a special friction clutch.
N 8 British flame-throwing tank Churchill Crocodile
Heavy infantry tank “Churchill Crocodile” Mk VI (A22) Churchill Mark VII on the basis of Churchill Mark IV. It was developed in 1942 by Vauxhall (?), produced serially from 1943 to 1945. It was in service with the British Army. Used in the battles of the Second World War.
- British WW2 flame-throwing tank Churchill crocodile, Kubinka 2015 Archives
- WW2 British flame-throwing tank Churchill crocodile, Kubinka 2015 Archives
- British WW2 flame-throwing tank Churchill crocodile, Kubinka 2015 Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight (semitrailer) -41 (6) tons, the number of crew is 5 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 7450 x 3450 x 2750 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 75 mm., ammunition-65 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.92 mm., caliber – 7.7 mm., ammunition – 6525 rounds; smoke grenade launcher – 1 pc. caliber -50,8 mm.; flamethrower – 1 pc., range of flamethrowing – 85-90 meters.
Armor Protection: forehead – 160 mm., the turret – 87 mm.
Engine power – 350 horsepower, The maximum speed is 20 km / h, The power reserve on the highway is 180 km. The depth of water barriers, ford-waded, is 1.2 meters.
Semitrailer “Churchill-crocodile” Design Features: Base – tank “Churchill VII” (with a trailer).
General layout – the shape of the body is rectangular, forward-facing caterpillar lines worsen the lateral view to the driver-mechanic; the crawler loop covers the body.
Armament – flamethrower placed in front of the hull; The ignition mixture is supplied from the semitrailer under pressure through a movable articulation; ignition of the ignition mixture from the glow plugs; turret turning mechanism electromechanical.
Protection – a hull of elongated shape, fastening armored sheets with bolts and guzons; the turret is welded; the thickness of the armor of the semitrailer is up to 15 mm.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, carburetor, liquid cooling; transmission mechanical; gear and rotation mechanism – differential, two-flow.
N9 Armored Universal Carrier
The English flamethrower “Wasp” Mk II (according to the Soviet classification). Developed by Vickers-Armstrong. It was in service with the British Army. The Universal carriers were delivered to the USSR by Lend-Lease.
- WW2 British Armored Universal Carrier, 2006 Kubinka Archives
- British WW2 Armored Universal Carrier, 2016 Kubinka Archives
- WW2 British Armored Universal Carrier, 2016 Kubinka Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 4.9 tons, Number of crew – 3 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 3700 x 2100 x 1570 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 7.7 mm., ammunition .. 2000; flamethrower – 1 piece, tank capacity – 360 liters; start-up of the fire mixture – 10-12 pcs. Armored protection – 10 mm.
Engine power – 85 horsepower, The maximum speed is 52 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 200 km. The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 0.5 m.
Design Features: Base – armored personnel carrier “Universal”. The overall layout – the flamethrower is located in the front of the machine in the embrasure, the reservoir with the fire mixture is in the aft part of the hull.
Armament – fire mixture is supplied under pressure of compressed nitrogen or carbon dioxide (2 cylinders of 10 liters). Protection – riveted body; there is a chimney device.
The chassis is a carburetor engine, eight-cylinder “Ford”, liquid cooling, V-shaped; transmission mechanical (automobile type); rotation is due to the bending of the tracks in the plan and the deceleration of the semi-axes of the differential; steering control by steering wheel; balanced suspension, spring.
N10 British tank Mk VIII Cromwell IV
English cruiser tank “Cromwell” It was developed in 1942 by the firm “Leyland”. Produced from 1943 to 1948 years. Tank was at the service with the British Army. In the battles was not used.
- British tank Mk VIII Cromwell IV, 2016 Kubinka Archives
- WW2 British tank Mk VIII Cromwell IV, 2016 Kubinka Archives
- British tank Mk VIII Cromwell IV, the service N
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 29 tons, Number of crew – 5 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6570 x 3000 x 2420 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 75 mm., ammunition -64 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.92 m, ammunition -4950 rounds. Armor Protection: the forehead of the body is 65 mm., turret – 76 mm.
Engine power – 600 horsepower, The maximum speed is 52 km / h, The power reserve along the highway is 130 km.
The depth of water barriers, fordable – 1.2 meters
Design Features: Base – tank “Centaurus-1” (Centaur) Mk VIII., The overall layout is a classic, hull frame structure. Armament – telescopic sights, periscopic observation devices; a 50.8 mm caliber grenade launcher is installed in the turret for throwing smoke grenades; turret turning mechanism hydraulic.
Protection – a body and a turret of a rectangular shape, without rational tilting of armor plates; Additional armor plates are attached to the tower from the outside.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, carburetor, liquid cooling “Meteor”; there is an auxiliary charging gasoline unit; five-step mechanical two-stroke transmission type “Merritt-Brown”; hydromechanical control drives; individual suspension, spring; caterpillars small-pitted with open hinge.
N11 British Medium Tank Comet
British cruiser tank A34 “Comet” It was developed in 1944 by the firm “Leyland”. It was produced serially since 1945. It was in service with the British Army during the Second World War.
- Comet British WW2 Medium Tank, 2016 Kubinka Archives
- Comet British WW2 cruiser Medium Tank in Kubinka museum of Patriot park
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight 32,7 tons, number of crew – 5 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 7630 x 3070 x 2700 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 77 mm., ammunition – 61 shot; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.92 mm.; an anti-aircraft machine gun, 1 pc., caliber – 7.7 mm., ammunition – 2800 shots
Armored protection: the forehead of the body is 75 mm., turret – 102 mm.
Engine power – 600 horsepower, The maximum speed is 48 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 180 km. The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.5 meters
Design Features: Base – tank “Cromwell”. The overall layout is classical.
Armament – coupled installation and course machine gun are equipped with telescopic sights; in the turret there is a grenade launcher for throwing smoke grenades; on the stern of the case are attached checkers for smoke; turret turning mechanism electromechanical.
Protection – the body is welded, the front of the turret is cast, the rear – forged bent sheet.
Chassis – carburetor engine, 12-cylinder, V-shaped, liquid cooling; transmission mechanical, in one block with the mechanism of rotation of differential type; hydraulic control actuators; individual suspension, spring; hydraulic shock absorbers with automatic replenishment of working fluid are installed.
N 12 Centurion Mk 3 British medium tank
“Centurion” Mk 3 the British medium tank was developed in 1946 by Vickers and was produced serially from 1947 to 1956. It was in service with the armies of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Egypt, Iraq, Sweden, Kuwait, Canada, Australia. Used in battles in 1949 in Korea, the Pakistani-Indian and other military conflicts.
- Centurion Mk 3 British medium tank, 2016 Kubinka Archives
- Factory number of Centurion Mk 3 British medium tank, 2016 Kubinka Archives
- British Centurion Mk 3 in Soviet standard protective green color
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 50 tons, number of crew – 4 persons.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9830 x 3340 x 2930 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 83.4 mm., ammunition, – 65 shots; 1 machine gun, 7,92 mm caliber., ammunition-3600 rounds. Armor Protection: forehead – 76 mm., turret – 152 mm.
Engine -640 horsepower, The maximum speed is 34 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 190 km.
Overcoming water obstacles .. afloat (using water crafts).
Design Features: Base – the original; The differences from other tanks of the Centurion series, produced since 1946, are insignificant. The overall layout is classical.
Armament – rifled cannon (shots of armor-piercing-high explosive and armor-piercing subcaliber unitary); smoke grenade launchers; there is a two-plane electro machine arms stabilizer. Protection – welded body, cast turret, undercarriage is covered with a removable screen.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, carburetor, liquid cooling; To facilitate the winter launch, petrol injection into the suction manifold is provided; transmission double-stream; gearbox five-speed, in one power unit with differential rotation mechanism; suspended suspension, spring, with hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers on the front knots.
N 13 Centurion Mk 10 British tank
The British main battlefield tank “Centurion” Mk 10 was developed in 1959 by Vickers. It was produced serially from 1960 to 1972. It is in service with the armies of Great Britain, South Africa, Egypt, Australia, Denmark, Israel, Canada, Iraq, India, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden. Used in battles in Vietnam in 1965, in the Middle East in 1970, in the Iran-Iraq war.
- British main battle tank Centurion Mk 10, 2015 Kubinka Archives
- British Mk Centurion tank for Israel
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 51.8 tons, Number of crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9854 x 3390 x 2940 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 105 mm., ammunition-70 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 4250 cartridges; a machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 12,7 mm., ammunition – 600 cartridges. Armor Protection: the forehead of the hull is 127 mm., turret – 152 mm. Engine power – 650 horsepower, The maximum speed is 35 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 140 km. Overcoming water obstacles .. afloat (using water crafts)
Design Features: The base is a design for all modifications of the Centurion tanks series, the overall layout is classical.
Armament – cannon pins with anti-shock device; the stabilization system is two-plane; The tank commander can control the gun and fire a shot; there are infrared instruments commander and gunner. Protection – welded body, cast turret, elongated; Enhanced protection of the frontal part of the body by installing additional armor plates.
Chassis – similar to the tank “Centurion” Mk 3; engine with an increased compression ratio from 6 to 7; A charging unit consisting of a gasoline engine with a power of 20 hp is installed. and an electric generator with a power of 3.5 kW.
N 14 Centurion Mk 13 British main tank
The main battle tank Mk 13 “Centurion” (the Israeli name “Sho’t-Kal”) * was developed in 1971 by Vickers. It is produced serially since 1972. It is in service with the armies of Great Britain, South Africa, Egypt, Australia, Denmark, Israel, Canada, India, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden. Used in battles in the Middle East, the Iran-Iraq war.
- N 14 Centurion Shot British main tank, 2015 Kubinka Archives
- Centurion Shot British main tank, 2015 Kubinka Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 51.8 tons, Number of crew – 4 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9854 x 3300 x 2960 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 105 mm., ammunition-70 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition -6000 cartridges; machine gun -1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition-600 cartridges. Armor Protection: the forehead of the body is 127 mm., turret – 152 mm.
Engine power – 720 horsepower, The maximum speed is 34 km / h, Cruising on the highway 185 km. Overcoming of water obstacles – afloat (using floats)
Design Features: The base is the same for all tanks of the Centurion series; instead of the carburetor engine is installed diesel, The overall layout is classical. Armament – a gun with a heat shield; optical range finder; advanced commander’s turret; sighting machine gun. Defense – the same as the tank Centurion Mk 10.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, four-stroke diesel; There is a device for towing a trailer with fuel.
Note: After the Israeli modernization in the 1970s, the name “Ben-Gurion” was unofficially called, now the name “Shot Kal”.
N 15 British heavy FV214 «Conqueror» Mk I
British heavy tank FV 214 «Conqueror» Mk I. It was developed in 1953, produced from 1954 to 1958 years, was in service with the British Army. In the battles was not used.
- FV214 «Conqueror» Mk I British heavy tank, 2015 Kubinka Archives
- FV214 Conqueror Mk I British heavy tank factory number, 2015 Kubinka Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 66 tons, Number of crew – 4 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 11890 mm. x3960 x 3150 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber -120 mm., ammunition – 35 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 7,500 cartridges. Armor Protection: the forehead of the hull and the turret is 200 mm.
Engine power – 810 horsepower, The maximum speed is 34 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 150 km. The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.5 m.
Design Features: Base – the original. The general layout is classical; the turret is elongated, on the roof from the stern there is a commander’s turret. Chassis – the engine “Meteor” with a centrifugal supercharger and direct injection of gasoline; The transmission is similar to the transmission of tanks of the Centurion series; support rollers with internal cushioning (8 per board) are blocked two in a cart; suspension spring, with shock absorbers.
Armament – a gun with an ejector; there is a two-plane stabilizer; guidance is by electric drive and manually; there is an optical range finder; on the tower there are two blocks of smoke grenades.
Protection – the body is welded, with a large slope of the sheets; the undercarriage is covered with a screen; turret cast complex configuration.
N 16 British main tank Mk V Chieftain
The british main battle tank Mk V “Chieftain” was developed in 1970 by Vickers. It is produced serially since 1973. It is in service with the armies of Great Britain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan, Israel. Used in the battles of the Arab-Israeli and Iran-Iraq wars.
- Mk V Chieftain British main tank (catatalogue N16), 2015 Kubinka Archives
- N 15 – Mk V Chieftain British main tank, 2015 Kubinka
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 54.8 tons, Number of crew – 4 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 10800 x 3500 x 2750 mm.
Armament: rifled cannon – 1 pc., caliber – 120 mm., ammunition – 64 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition- 6000 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm.; smoke mortar – 12 pcs. caliber – 66 mm., ammunition -36 grenades. Armor Protection: forehead – 120 mm., turret – 150 mm.
Engine power – 810 horsepower, The maximum speed is 48 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 300 km. The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 2 meters.
Design Features: The base is the original, united design for all modifications of the tanks of the “Chieftain” series. The overall layout is classical.
Armament is a rifled cannon, stabilized in two planes, a fire control system is an electronic ballistic calculator and a laser range finder.
Protection – inclination of frontal armor sheets up to 70 °; a system of protection against nuclear weapons.
Chassis – engine six-cylinder, two-stroke, multi-fuel diesel with a vertical arrangement of cylinders, with a turbo; transmission mechanical, double-flow; Suspension blocked, spring.
N 17 Fv101 Scorpion British light tank
Developed in 1967 by the firm “Elvis”. It has been mass-produced since 1970. It is in service with the armies of Great Britain, Oman, Belgium, Israel, New Zealand, Malaysia, Ireland. Used in the battles of the Arab-Israeli war.
- N 17 Fv101 Scorpion British light tank, 2006 Kubinka Archives
Performance characteristics: Mass – 7.94 tons, Crew – 3 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 4780 x 2235 x 2100 mm. Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber -76.2 m., ammunition – 45 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 3000 rounds; Armor protection – bulletproof.
Engine power – 195 horsepower, Maximum speed – 87 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 644 km. The speed of overcoming water obstacles afloat due to the rewinding of caterpillars (watercraft frame type) – 6.5 km / h.
Design features: The base is original, The overall layout – the fighting compartment is shifted to the stern; The engine and transmission are located in front of the case on the right.
Armament – the mechanism of rotation of the turret and the lifting mechanism of the gun with a manual drive; the gunner has a nightless illumination sight; rounds of high-explosive and cumulative projectiles; rifled gun; there are smoke mortars. Protection – housing and tower of aluminum alloy.
Chassis – four-stroke engine, carburetor, six-cylinder, in-line, liquid cooling; mechanical transmission; hydraulic control drives; differential turning mechanism with disc brakes; individual suspension, torsion bar; tracks with the rubber mount.
N18 AEC Mk II British armored car
The armored car was developed in 1942 by the AEC company (Associated Equipment Company). Produced from 1942 to 1945. It was in service with the army of Great Britain. Used in the battles of the Second World War.
- N18 AEC Mk II British WW2 armored car, 2007 Kubinka Archives
- AEC Mk II British WW2 armored car, 2007 Kubinka Archives
Performance characteristics: Weight -12.2 tons, Crew – 4 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 5440 x 2720 x 2695 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 57 mm., ammunition – 60 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.92 mm., ammunition – 3150 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.7 mm., ammunition – 2800 rounds.
Armor protection: case front – 25 mm., turret – 32 mm.
Engine power – 165 horsepower, Maximum speed – 78 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 500 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 0.5 meters
Design features: The base is original, The overall layout – frame design frame, the turret in the form of a truncated polyhedral prism.
Armament – the rotary mechanism of the turret has electric and mechanical drives; aiming the gun vertically with a shoulder rest; A grenade launcher for throwing smoke grenades is installed inside the turret.
Protection – armor plates rolled high hardness, connected by welding, riveting and bolts; frontal hull sheet oblique, the remaining vertical.
Chassis – engine four-cycle diesel liquid cooling company “AEC”; mechanical transmission; suspension – semi-elliptical springs, no shock absorbers; brake actuator pneumatic.
N 19 Daimler Mk II British WW2 armored car
The armored car was developed in 1940 by the company “Daimler”. It was mass-produced since 1942, at the service with the army of Great Britain, exported to other countries.
- N 19 Daimler Mk II British WW2 armored car, 2007 Kubinka Archives.
- Daimler Mk II British WW2 armored car, 2007 Kubinka photo
Performance characteristics: Mass – 7.6 tons, Crew – 3 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 3965 x 2440 x 2236 mm.
Armament: – 1 gun, caliber – 40 mm., ammunition – 52 shots; 1 machine gun, caliber – 7.92 mm., ammunition – 3150 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.7 mm., ammunition – 2800 rounds.
Armor protection: case front – 15 mm., turret. 17.
Engine power – 100 horsepower, Maximum speed – 85 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 330 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 0.5 meters
Design features: The base is a reconnaissance vehicle “Daimler Scout Car” from VSA (Austria). The overall layout – frame chassis design (4 x 4).
Armament – mechanical turning mechanism of the turret; pointing gun vertically – shoulder support; two 101.6 mm grenade launchers for throwing smoke grenades. Protection – rolled armor plates bolted together; welded turret.
Chassis – four-stroke engine, carburetor, liquid cooling; hydromechanical transmission; control drives duplicated and placed in the front and rear parts of the case; individual suspension, independent, spring, disc brakes with hydraulic shock absorbers.
N 20 FV603 Saracen British armored personnel carrier
British armored personnel carrier FV603 * “Saracen”. Developed by “Alvis” in 1953. Produced commercially from 1954 to 1972. It is in service with the armies of Great Britain and several states of Asia and Africa. Used in battles, regional conflicts.
- N 20 FV603 Saracen British armored personnel carrier, 2015
Performance characteristics: Weight – 10.17 tons, Crew – 12 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 5283 x 2514 x 2438 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm.; anti-aircraft machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., Ammunition – 3720 shots; smoke grenade launcher – 6 pcs.
Armor protection: the front of the hull and turret – 19 mm. Engine power – 160 horsepower, Maximum speed – 70 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 400 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 1.1 meters
Design features: The base is original, The overall layout is a classic (wheel formula 6×6).
Armament – a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted in a single turret; anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the turret.
Protection – hull and turret welded, from rolled armor plates, with rational angles of inclination in the frontal part.
Chassis – carburetor engine, eight-cylinder, liquid cooling; mechanical transmission; independent suspension, with longitudinal torsions and hydraulic shock absorbers, and rubber stops; wheel gears are located in the wheel hubs; front and middle wheelsets are steerable.
Note: At 2016 on the signature of the exhibit, made recently, the brand FV602 is indicated.
N 21 Ferret Mk 2 British armored car
British light reconnaissance armored vehicle “Ferret” Mk 2, internal index F.V.701 (C) Developed in 1953. Produced commercially from 1954 to 1972. He was in service with the armies of Great Britain and other states. Participated in regional military conflicts in Africa and Asia.
- N 21 Ferret Mk 2 British armored car, 2006 Kubinka museum photo.
Performance characteristics: Weight – 4.4 tons, Crew – 2 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 3835 x 1905 x 1880 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 3500 rounds; smoke grenade launcher – 6 pieces.
Armor protection -10 mm. Engine power – 116 horsepower, Maximum speed – 93 km / h, Cruising on the highway is 305 km. The depth of the water obstacles to be overcome ford – 0.9 m.
Design features: Base – Daimler armored car. The overall layout is a classic (wheel formula 4 x 4).
Armament – a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted in a single turret; in front, near the headlights, there are three flue
grenade launcher. Protection – hull and turret of the welded structure, made of the rolled armor plates with rational angles of inclination in the frontal part of the hull (along the perimeter of the turret and under the turret box).
Chassis – carburetor engine, six-cylinder, liquid cooling; The transmission consists of a hydraulic clutch, a planetary gearbox, a transfer case with reverse, differentials and reduction gears mounted in the wheel hubs; independent suspension, spring, with hydraulic shock absorbers.
N 1 M3 Stuart American WW2 Lend-Lease light tank
M3 Stuart tank was developed in 1939 and was mass-produced since 1940. Tank was at the service of the US Army and was supplied to the USSR under the Lend-Lease program. Used in famous WW2 battles at the Eastern front.
- N 1 (P5 USA) M3 Stuart American WW2 light tank, 2007 Kubinka Archives
- Chassis of M3 Stuart American WW2 light tank, 2007 Kubinka Archives
- Machine Gun of M3 Stuart American WW2 light tank, 2007 Kubinka Archives
M3 Stuart tank characteristics: Weight – 12.7 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 4445 x 2465 x 2490 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc. , Caliber – 37mm., Ammunition – 103 shots; machine gun – 5, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 14,000 rounds.
Armor protection: forehead case – 38mm., turret – 45 mm.
Engine power – 250 horsepower, Maximum speed – 48 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 130 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 0.8 meters.
Design features:The base is original. The overall layout – the transmission is located in the bow of the hull, the power plant – in the stern.
Armament – the gun and the twin machine gun are equipped with a telescopic sight; two machine guns are placed in the side niches of the hull; Mechanisms of aiming guns mechanical.
Protection – the hull and the turret are made of armor of high and low hardness, the roof and the bottom – of non-armored steel; installed manual fire system.
Chassis – engine – 7-cylinder air-cooled star; transmission – manual transmission is connected to the engine with a propeller shaft; rotation mechanism – double differential; spring suspension, blocked; sprung steering wheel; radio station and tank intercom are installed.
N 2 M5A1 Stuart American WW2 light tank (Lend-Lease)
M5A1 Stuart tank was developed in 1941 and was mass-produced since 1942. M5A1 tank was at service of the US Army and was supplied to the USSR according to the Lend-Lease. Used in the all WW2 famous battles at Eastern front.
- N 2 M5A1 Stuart American WW2 light tank (Lend-Lease), 2014 september Kubinka Archives
- N 2 M5A1 Stuart American WW2 light tank (Lend-Lease), 2014 Kubinka Archives
M5A1 Stuart tank characteristics: Weight – 14.5 tons, Crew – 4 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 4400 x 2240 x 2280 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 37 mm., ammunition – 123 shots; machine gun 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 3750 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc. , Caliber – 12,7 mm., Ammunition – 440 cartridges
Armor protection: forehead case and turret – 38 mm.
Engine power – 220 (110 x 2) horsepower, Maximum speed – 54 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 180 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 0.8 meters
Design features: The base is original, the overall layout – power plant and transmission are located in the aft hull; rotation mechanisms – in the bow of the hull.
Armament – the gun is stabilized in a vertical plane and has an electro-hydraulic drive; telescopic sight.
Protection – body welded with a rational angle of inclination of the front sheet; a cylindrical tower with an elongated niche in the back; installed manual fire system.
Chassis – two V-shaped eight-cylinder liquid cooled engines connected in parallel; mechanical transmission; suspension blocked, spring; sprung steering wheel; a radio station operating in HF, VHF, tank intercom.
Note: for the summer of 2017, the outdoor exposition was dismantled, M5A1 Stuart tank was transported to Patriot Park.
N 3 M24 Chaffee American light tank
M24 “Chaffee” light tank was developed in 1943 and was mass-produced since 1944. It was at service of the armies of the USA, Canada, Great Britain; after 1945 it was delivered to France, Italy, Turkey, Iran, Japan. Used in battles of the Second World War and post-war conflicts.
- N 3 M24 Chaffee American light tank, 2007 Kubinka Archives
- N 3 M24 Chaffee American light tank, 2007 Kubinka Archives
- M24 Chaffee American light tank, 2007 Kubinka Archives
M24 Chaffee characteristics: Weight – 18 tons, Crew – 5 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 5490 x 2845 x 2462 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 75 mm., ammunition – 48 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 3750 cartridges; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 440 cartridges.
Armor protection: case front – 25 mm., turret – 38 mm.
Engine power – 220 (110 x 2) horsepower, Maximum speed – 56 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 130 km., The depth of water obstacles surmounted ford – 1 meter
M24 Chaffee Design features: The base is original, the overall layout – the power plant and transmission are located in the stern of the tank; steering mechanisms and final gears in the bow.
Armament – the gun is stabilized in a vertical plane; electrohydraulic targeting mechanisms.
Protection – body welded, with rational tilt angles of armor plates; installed manual fire system.
Chassis – two eight-cylinder automobile engine of liquid cooling; transmission – planetary gearboxes, turning mechanisms are connected to the power plant with a cardan shaft; individual suspension, torsion bar, with hydraulic shock absorbers; communications equipment similar to M5A1 Stuart tank .
N 4 M19A1 American anti-aircraft self-propelled unit
M19A1 developed in 1943 abd was mass-produced since 1944. It was at service with the US Army, used in the battles of the WW2 and the Korean War.
- N 4 M19A1 American anti-aircraft self-propelled unit, 2007 december Kubinka Archives
M19A1 characteristics: Weight – 18.5 tons, Crew – 6 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) 5500 x 2970 x 3005 mm.
Armament: gun – 2 pcs. caliber – 40 mm., Ammunition – 352 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 440 rounds. Armor protection – 13 mm.
Engine power – 220 (110 x 2) horsepower, Maximum speed – 48 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 130 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 0.6 meters.
M19A1 Design features: The base is an M-24 Chaffee tank. The overall layout – the power plant and the power transmission are located in the forward part of the hull; an open turret rotating at 360 “is installed in the stern.
Armament – twin automatic guns “Bofors”; the turret and lift guns are manual and electromechanical; sights of anti-aircraft installation of construction type, two collimator and two angular.
Protection – the car hull is welded, from rolled armor plates.
Chassis – two eight-cylinder automobile engines of liquid cooling, connected in parallel; the transmission and undercarriage of an anti-aircraft self-propelled unit are the same as on the M-24 tank; tracks with rubber hinge parallel type.
N 5 M41 Walker Bulldog American light tank
M41 Walker Bulldog Light tank was developed in 1949. Produced in series since 1950, was in service with the armies of the United States, Germany and the States of the Middle East. Used in battles in South Vietnam, in the Middle East.
- N 5 M41 Walker Bulldog American light tank, 2016 Kubinka Archives
- M41 Walker Bulldog American light tank, 2016 Kubinka Archives
M41 Walker Bulldog characteristics: Weight – 23.5 tons, Crew – 4 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 8215 x 3200 x 2725 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 76mm., ammunition – 60 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 4000 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition load of 600 rounds.
Armor protection: case front – 32 mm., turret – 38 mm.
Engine power – 500 horsepower, Maximum speed – 62 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 160 km. The depth of water obstacles surmounted ford – 1 meter
Design features: The base is original, the overall layout is classic. Armament gun with ejector device for purging the barrel, with a single-channel muzzle brake and concentric recoil devices; electrohydraulic targeting mechanisms.
Protection – hull and turret welded, of intermediate-rolled rolled armor plates; the sides and bottom of the hull have a variable thickness.
Chassis – six-cylinder engine, gasoline, air cooling, with opposed cylinder arrangement, with supercharging; cross-drive type transmission; individual suspension, torsion, with hydraulic shock absorbers; a charging unit, two radio stations and a tank intercom, a heating system and night vision devices are installed.
N 6 M3 General Lee American WW2 medium tank
It was developed in 1938 and mass-produced since 1939. M3 was at service of the US Army and was supplied to the USSR according to the Lend-Lease. Used in the battles of the Second World War, in regional conflicts.
- N 6 M3 General Lee American WW2 medium tank, 2006 Kubinka Archives
- M3 General Lee American WW2 medium tank, 2007 december Kubinka photo
- M3 General Lee American WW2 medium tank, 2007 Kubinka photo
The characteristics of the M3 US tank: weight – 27.5 tons, Crew – 7 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 5700 x 2650 x 3095 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pc., caliber – 75 mm., ammunition – 50 shots; gun – 1 pc., Caliber – 37mm., Ammunition -175 shots; machine gun – 4 pcs. caliber, 7.62 mm, ammunition – 9200 rounds
Armor protection: forehead case and turret – 57 mm.
Engine power – 400 horsepower, Maximum speed – 31 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 227 km. The depth of the water obstacles to be overcome ford is 0.8 m.
Design features: The base is original, the overall layout – the engine is located in the rear part of the hull, and the power transmission – in the bow, they are connected to the propeller shaft; combat compartment is located in the middle part of the hull.
Armament – placed in three tiers; hydraulically rotated turret mechanisms; hand-guided vertical guidance mechanisms; periscopic sights; Prism observation devices, there are viewing slots.
Protection – the bow, the sponson and the turret cast, the other parts of the rolled armor; bolted and riveted
The chassis is an aviation engine “Wright-Continental”, 9-cylinder star of air cooling; mechanical transmission; spring suspension, blocked; rubber-hinged caterpillar rubber coated.
Note: for the summer of 2017, the tank was repainted in the Soviet protective color and moved to Patriot Park.
N 7 M4A4 Sherman American WW2 medium tank
M4A4 Sherman tank was developed in 1941 and was mass-produced since 1942. Sherman was at the service of the armies of the USA and Great Britain, was supplied to the USSR under the Lend-Lease program; after 1945, was in service with the armies of many countries in Western Europe and Asia. Used in battles of the Second World War.
- N 7 M4A4 Sherman American WW2 medium tank, 2007 Kubinka Archives
- M4A4 Sherman American WW2 medium tank, 2007 December Kubinka Archives
- N 7 M4A4 Sherman American WW2 medium tank, 2007 Kubinka photos
- The first primitive images and tactical signs on foreign vehicles
M4A4 Sherman characteristics: Weight – 32 tons, Crew – 5 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6120 x 2640 x 2880 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 76mm., ammunition, – 71 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 6200 cartridges.
Armor protection: case front – 50 mm., turret – 76 mm.
Engine power – 550 (110 x 5) horsepower, Maximum speed – 40 km / h, Cruising on the highway -190 km., the depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford -0.8 meters
M4A4 Sherman design features: The base is the original one for all modifications of the Sherman series tanks.
The overall layout – the power plant is located in the aft part of the hull, and the gearbox and steering mechanisms – in the bow; are connected by a driveshaft. Armament – the gun is stabilized in a vertical plane; the mechanism of rotation of the turret electrohydraulic, mechanical duplication; mechanical lifting mechanism; periscopic sight.
Protection – welded hull, side sheets vertical; turret cast, cylindrical. Chassis – power star-shaped unit, consisting of five automobile-type engines, liquid cooling; transmission – gearbox and steering mechanism; spring suspension, blocked; rubberized caterpillar with rubber metal hinge.
N 8 M4A2 Sherman American medium tank
M4A2 Sherman was designed in 1944 and was mass-produced since 1944. M4A2 was at service with the US Army, and was supplied to the USSR according to Lend-Lease; after 1945 it was in service with the NATO armies. Used in the battles of World War II.
- M4A2 Sherman American medium tank in Kubinka museum of Patriot Park
- M4A2 Sherman American medium tank, 2016 August Kubinka Archives
- Sherman American medium tank, 2016 August Kubinka photo
M4A2 Sherman characteristics: Mass – 36 tons, The crew – 5 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 7350 x 2865 x 3140 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 76 mm., ammunition – 98 shots; machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 7500 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 300 rounds.
Armor protection: body forehead -63 mm., turret – 100 mm.
Engine power – 420 (2 x 210) horsepower, Maximum speed – 45 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 180 km.
The depth of the water obstacles to be ford is 0.9 meters
M4A2 Sherman Design features: The base is the same for all modifications of the Sherman tanks.
The general layout is original, the power plant is located at the rear, the transmission is at the front, connected by a cardan shaft.
Armament – the gun is equipped with a stabilizing device in a vertical plane; the mechanism of rotation of the tower is electro-hydraulic, duplicated by a mechanical mechanism; mechanical gun lifting mechanism; unitary shots.
Protection – welded housing; the frontal sheet is installed with an inclination; vertical side sheets; cast turret.
Chassis – power plant consists of two two-stroke twin diesels; mechanical transmission; Suspended suspension, spring; dual track rollers applied; tracks with rubber mount of parallel type.
N 10 M46 Patton-1 American medium tank
M46 General Patton Medium tank was developed in 1948 and produced commercially from 1948 to 1952. M46 as at the service with of US Army, used in battles in Korea.
- N 10 M46 Patton-1 American medium tank, 2007 December Kubinka Archives photo
- M46 Patton-1 American medium tank, 2007 December Kubinka Archives photo
- American tanks during the battles in Vietnam
- Fashionable pictures based on the Vietnam War
- M46 Patton-1 American medium tank, 2016 October Kubinka Archives photo
M46 tank characteristics: Weight – 44 tons, Crew – 5 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 8400 x 3530 x 2900 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 90 mm., ammunition – 70 shots; machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 5000 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc. caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition -500 rounds.
Armor protection: forehead hull and turret 101 mm. Engine power – 810 horsepower, Maximum speed – 48 km / h, Cruising on the highway -120 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 1.2 meters
M46 tank design features: The base is original, the overall layout is classic.
Armament – the gun has an ejection device blowing the barrel; Electro-hydraulic turret with manual drive; duplicated lifting mechanism of a screw-type gun; the gunner and tank commander have telescopic and periscopic sights; when shooting with a roll, the lateral correction is automatically entered into the telescopic sight.
Protection – the turret, the front and aft of the hull are cast, of medium-hard armor.
Chassis – engine four-stroke, 12-cylinder, V-shaped, carburetor, air cooling; hydromechanical transmission with double power flow of the “Cross-drive” type; engine and transmission in a single unit; individual suspension, torsion bar, with hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers; caterpillars with rubber mount.
Note: One local general did not like the coloring of the tank for the war in Korea and the tank was repainted in a simple protective color.
N 11 M48A3 American main tank
M48A3 USA tank was developed in 1958, produced commercially from 1958 to 1964. M48A3 was at the service of the US Army and the armies of other NATO countries, as well as Israel. Used in battles in South Vietnam and the Middle East.
- N 11 M48A3 American main tank, 2016 October Kubinka Archives
- M48A3 American main tank, 2016 September Kubinka photo
- Armored vehicles of the United States during the Cold War
M48A3 characteristics: Weight – 47.2 tons, Crew – 4 people. Dimensions (length x width x height) – 86800 x 3680 x 2850 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 90 mm., ammunition – 62 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 5900 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 500 rounds.
Armor protection: the front of the case is 110 mm., the turret – 145 mm.
Engine power is 750 horsepower, the Maximum speed – 48 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 464 km., the depth of the water obstacles to be overcome ford – 1.2 m.
M48A3 Design features: Base – tank M48, the overall layout is classic, the tank is equipped with a gasoline unit for heating the control compartment, the fighting compartment and charging the batteries. Armament – firing a cannon and coaxial machine gun is duplicated; unitary shots; manual loading; electrohydraulic induction drives; remote control of anti-aircraft machine gun; there are a range finder, a ballistic computer and an infrared illuminator.
Protection – one-piece body with rational angle of inclination; cast turret, hemispherical shape.
Chassis – engine four-stroke, 12-cylinder, V-shaped diesel “Continental”, air cooling; transmission hydromechanical type “Cross-drive”.
N 12 M48A5 Marax American tank
M48A5 USA tank was developed in 1975, produced in series from 1975 to 1980. M48A5 wasat the service of the US Army and the armies of other NATO countries, as well as Israel as the “Marax-5”. Used in battles in the Middle East.
- N 12 M48A5 Marax American tank, 2016 September Kubinka Archives
- M48A5 Marax American tank, 2016 September Kubinka Archives
M48A5 characteristics: Weight – 47.6 tons, Crew – 4 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9350 x 3630 x 2730 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 105 mm., ammunition – 62 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 5900 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 900 rounds.
Armor protection: 110 mm hull front, the turret 145 mm.
Engine power – 750 horsepower, Maximum speed – 48 km / h, Cruising on the highway is 480 km. The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 1.2 meters
M48A5 Design features: Base – tank M48A3, the overall layout is classic.
Armament – mounted 105 mm rifled gun; fire control system is similar to the tank M48A3.
Protection – similar to the tank M48A3; installed dynamic protection “Blazer”.
Chassis – engine four-stroke, 12-cylinder, V-shaped diesel “Continental”, air cooling; transmission hydromechanical type “Cross-drive.
N 13 M60A1 American main battle tank
M60A1 tank was developed in 1962, produced commercially from 1962 to 1980. M60A1 was at the service of the armies of the United States, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Korea, Spain, and Turkey. Used in battles in South Vietnam and in regional conflicts in the Middle East.
- N 13 M60A1 American main battle tank, 2017 July Kubinka Archives
- M60A1 American main battle tank, 2017 July Kubinka museum photo
M60A1 characteristics: Weight – 48.7 tons, Crew – 4 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9450 x 3630 x 2990 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 105 mm., ammunition – 63 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 5950 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 950 rounds.
Armor protection: case front – 120 mm., turret – 178 mm.
Engine power – 750 horsepower, Maximum speed – 48 km / h, Cruising on the highway is 500 km., The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 1.2 meters.
Design features: the base is an M-60 tank, The overall layout is classic.
Armament – electrohydraulic aiming gun drives; anti-aircraft machine gun has a remote drive guidance; there are combined and telescopic gunner sights.
Protection – hull and turret cast, from homogeneous armor of medium hardness; Two filter-ventilation units were installed, which ensured distribution of purified air through the hoses, which is supplied to the protective masks of the crew members.
The chassis is a four-stroke, 12-cylinder, V-shaped engine, Continental diesel, turbocharged air cooling; individual suspension, torsion bar, with hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers; caterpillars with rubber mount.
N 14 M18 Hellcat American WW2 self-propelled gun
M18 Hellcat Assault Gun was developed in 1942, the small serie, was not at the military service, not used in battles (?).
- N 14 M18 Hellcat American WW2 self-propelled gun, 2017 December Kubinka Archives
- N 14 M18 Hellcat American WW2 self-propelled gun, 2017 December Kubinka Archives
- M18 Hellcat American WW2 self-propelled gun, 2017 Kubinka photos
M18 Hellcat USA AG characteristics: Weight – 17 tons, Crew – 5 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6800 x 2800 x 2170 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pc., caliber – 76.2 mm., ammunition – 48 shots; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 1000 rounds.
Armor protection: hull front – 16 mm., turret – 13 mm.
Engine power – 400 horsepower, Maximum speed – 76 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 360 km., the depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford – 0.8 meters
M18 Hellcat Design features: The base is special and the overall layout is original; the power plant is located at the rear, the transmission is at the front; they are connected by a driveshaft.
Armament – a gun and a machine gun are placed in a turret rotating through 360 °; the mechanism of rotation of the turret electro-hydraulic; telescopic sight.
Protection – the turret is open at the top; protection of hull and turret bulletproof; hull welded, armor medium hard.
Chassis – aviation engine, 9-cylinder, star-shaped, carburetor “Wright-Continental”, air cooling; torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers; tracks with rubber mount.
N 15 M39 US armored personnel carrier
M39 armored personnel carrier developed in 1944 and produced in series from 1945 to 1956. M39 was at the service of the US Army and its allies. It participated in the war in Korea.
- N 15 M39 US armored personnel carrier, 2006 July Kubinka Archives
- N 15 M39 US armored personnel carrier, 2006 July Kubinka museum photo
The characteristics of M39 USA armored personnel carrier: Mass – 14.5 tons, Crew – 12 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 5355 x 2800 x 1800 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 1, caliber -12.7 mm., ammunition – 945 rounds; Armor protection – 13 mm.
Engine power – 400 horsepower, Maximum speed, km / h 72, Cruising on the highway is 360 km., the depth of water obstacles surmounted ford is 1 m.
M39 Design features: the base is the self-propelled gun M18 “Hellcat”, the overall layout is classic.
Armament – Browning anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on a rack in front of the troop compartment.
Protection – welded hull, of medium hardness armor, anti-bullet, open at the top.
Chassis – carburetor engine, 9-cylinder, star-shaped “Wright-Continental”, air cooling; hydromechanical transmission; individual suspension, torsion bar, with hydraulic shock absorbers.
N 16 M2A1 USA WW2 armored personnel carrier
M2A1 armored carrier was developed in 1942 and produced in series from 1943 to 1944. M2A1 was at the service of the US Army, used in battles of the Second World War.
- N 16 M2A1 USA WW2 armored personnel carrier, 2007 December Kubinka Archives
- N 16 M2A1 USA WW2 armored personnel carrier, 2007 Kubinka museum photos
M2A1 characteristics: Weight – 8 tons, the number of crew with troops – 13 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6500 x 2130 x 2239 mm.
Armament: machine gun, pieces one the caliber, mm. 7.62, ammunition, ammunition .. 9350; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 300 rounds. Armor protection – 13 mm.
Engine power – 147 horsepower, Maximum speed – 72 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 320 km., The depth of the water obstacles surmounted ford -1 meter.
M2A1 Design features: The base is original, The overall layout – as the classic truck, the power plant is located in front. Armament – two machine guns for firing at ground and anti-aircraft targets.
Protection – the case, open at the top, with two doors in the front part, in front of the windshield and side windows of the control compartment there are folding armchairs with viewing slots.
Chassis – automotive-type propulsion unit, carburetor engine, six-cylinder, “White” liquid cooling; mechanical transmission, two-speed transfer case, front-wheel drive and driven; suspension – vertical buffer springs.
N 17 M17 USA World War 2 anti-aircraft self-propelled gun
M 17 was developed in 1942 and mass-produced since 1943. M 17 was at service of the US Army. Used in battles of the Second World War.
- N 17 M17 USA World War 2 anti-aircraft self-propelled gun, 2007 December Kubinka Archives
- M17 USA World War 2 anti-aircraft self-propelled gun, 2007 Kubinka museum photos
- N 17 M17 USA World War 2 anti-aircraft self-propelled gun, 2007 Kubinka museum photos
M 17 characteristics: Weight – 9 tons, Crew – 5 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6500 x 1920 x 2130 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 4 pcs., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 2400 cartridges.
Armor protection – 16 mm.
Engine power – 147 horsepower, Maximum speed – 72 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 320 km., The depth of water obstacles surmounted ford – 1 meter.
M 17 Design features: The base is a half-track B2 M2 (M2A1), the overall layout – a classic truck, the power plant is located in front.
Arms – quad machine-gun for firing at low-flying targets; electric pickup, differential drive; pickup speed from 0 “to 60” per second; sight collimator.
Protection – housing, open at the top, with two doors in the front.
Chassis – automotive-type propulsion unit, six-cylinder carburetor engine, “White” liquid cooling; mechanical transmission, two-speed transfer case, front-wheel drive and driven; rubber band, reinforced with steel cable; suspension – vertical buffer springs.
N 18 T-48 American World War two self-propelled gun
T-48 self-propelled semi-tracked gun (according to the Soviet classification of the SU-57) was developed in 1942 and was mass-produced since 1943. T-48 was in service at the US Army, used in battles of the Second World War.
- N 18 T-48 American WW2 self-propelled gun, 2007 December Kubinka Archives
- T-48 American WW2 self-propelled gun, 2007 Kubinka museum photos
T-48 characteristics: Weight – 9 tons, Crew – 5 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6100 x 1970 x 2260 mm.
Armament: cannon – 1 pcs., caliber – 57 mm., ammunition – 80 shots, Armor protection – 16 mm.
Engine power – 147 horsepower, Maximum speed – 72 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 320 km., The depth of water obstacles surmounted ford – 1 meter.
T-48 Design features: the base is the semi-tracked B2 M2 (M2A1), The overall layout – a classic car, the power plant is located in front.
Armament – a 57 mm caliber gun is installed on the truck.
Protection – the case, open at the top, with two doors in the front part, in front of the windshield and side windows of the control compartment there are folding armchairs with viewing slots.
Chassis – automotive type power unit; carburetor engine, six-cylinder, liquid cooling “White”; mechanical transmission, two-speed transfer case; suspension – vertical buffer springs.
Note: for the summer of 2017, the self-propelled gun was removed from the exposition of the tank museum in Kubinka and moved to Patriot Park.
N 19 M113A1 USA armored personnel carrier
M113A1 armored carrier was developed in 1963. Produced in series since 1964, was at the service ofthe US Army and the armies of other states. M113A1 Used in battles in South Vietnam and in regional conflicts in the Middle East.
- N 19 M113A1 USA armored personnel carrier, 2007 December Kubinka Archives
- N 19 M113A1 USA armored personnel carrier, 2007 Kubinka museum photos
M113A1 characteristics: Weight – 10.4 tons, the crew with troops – 13 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 4800 x 2686 x 2468 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 2000 rounds, machine gun – 1 pc.; caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 2000 rounds. The Armor protection – 43 mm.
Engine power – 215 horsepower, Maximum speed – 64 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 480 km., The speed of overcoming water obstacles to float is 5.6 km / h.
M113A1 Design features: Base – BTR M113, the overall layout is classic.
Armament – on the turret mounted a machine gun of 12.7 mm caliber. Protection – hull is welded, sealed, made of aluminum alloy; the upper and lower front sheets are set obliquely, the rest – vertically.
Chassis – two-stroke engine, six-cylinder, V-shaped diesel; hydromechanical transmission; torsion bar suspension.
N20 M113 ACAV US armored personnel carrier
The armored carrier was developed in 1963, produced commercially since 1964and was in service with the US Army. Used in battles in South Vietnam.
- N20 M113 ACAV USA armored personnel carrier, 2007 December Kubinka Archives
Performance characteristics: Weight – 10.4 tons, The number of crew with troops – 13 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 4800 x 2686 x 2468 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 2000 rounds; machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition, ammunition .. 2000. Armor protection – 43 mm.
Engine power – 215 horsepower, Maximum speed – 64 km / h, Cruising on the highway -500 km., The speed of overcoming water obstacles afloat – 5.6 km / h
Design features: Base – armored carrier M113, The overall layout is classic.
Armament – a large-caliber machine gun is mounted in a rotating turret, there are pins on each side of a rectangular landing hatch for mounting machine guns.
Protection – housing is welded, sealed, made of aluminum alloy; the upper and lower front sheets are set obliquely, the rest – vertically.
Chassis – carburetor engine, automobile type “Chrysler”, V-shaped, eight-cylinder, liquid cooling; hydromechanical transmission “Allison” with differential type turning mechanism; torsion bar suspension.
N21 M125A1 USA armored personnel carrier
The armored carrier was developed in 1974. Produced in series since 1975. It is in the service with the US Army. Used in battles in South Vietnam, in regional conflicts in the Middle East.
- N21 M125A1 USA armored personnel carrier, 2007 December Kubinka Archives
Tactical and technical characteristics: Weight – 10.4 tons, The number of crew with troops – 13 people. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 4800 x 2686 x 2462 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 2000 rounds; Armor protection, mm .. 43.
Engine power – 215 horsepower, Maximum speed -64 km / h, Cruising on the highway – 500 km., the speed of overcoming water obstacles afloat – 5.6 km / h
Design features: Base – armored personnel carrier M113, The overall layout is classic.
Armament – a 12.7 mm machine gun mounted on the turret; Inside the machine, a 81 mm mortar transportation is provided.
Protection – housing is welded, sealed, made of aluminum alloy; the upper and lower front sheets are set obliquely, the rest – vertically.
Chassis – carburetor engine, automobile type “Chrysler”, V-shaped, eight-cylinder, liquid cooling; power plant – hydromechanical transmission “Allison” with a differential type turning mechanism; torsion bar suspension.
Note. For the summer of 2017, the armored personnel carrier was repainted from an authentic color to a protective green.
Canada (as the catalogue list – Hall N7, but the long time was inside of N5)
15 (N7) Canadian B3 tracked Snowmobile
Canadian B3 snowmobile was developed in 1943 by Bombardier Snowmobile (Canada) and was mass-produced since 1944. B3 was in service with the armies of Great Britain and Canada. WW2 Lend-Lease from Canada for USSR.
- 15 (N7) Canadian B3 tracked Snowmobile, 2006 July Kubinka Archives
- 15 (N7) Canadian B3 tracked Snowmobile, 2015 September Kubinka photos
Tactical and technical characteristics of the snowmobile: Weight – 4.2 tons, Crew – 2 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 3920 x 2560 x 1650 mm.
Armament: machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 7.62 mm., Ammunition – 2000 rounds. Armor protection – 14 mm.
Engine power – 110 horsepower, Maximum speed, km / h, on a snowy crust – 44, on virgin soil – 12.5, Power reserve – 100 km.
Design features: The base is original, the overall layout – an open snowmobile. Armament – mounted on the bracket. Protection – hull welded, from rolled armor.
The chassis is an eight-cylinder, V-shaped, carburetor, Ford engine, liquid cooling; to facilitate start-up, there is a system of oil dilution with gasoline; hydromechanical transmission; suspension suspended, support rollers with pneumatic tires; rubber track reinforced with steel cable.
For the summer of 2017, the snowmobile was restored and moved from the Central Museum of armored vehicles and weapons (Kubinka) to Patriot Park.
16 (N7) Canadian B8 tracked snowmobile
The B8 * snowmobile was developed in 1936 by the Bombardier Snowmobile firm. Produced in series from 1937 to 1944. It was in service with the armies of Great Britain and Canada. Not used in battles (??)
- 16 (N7) Canadian B8 tracked snowmobile, 2015 September photos
- Canadian B8 tracked snowmobile before restoration
- 16 (N7) Canadian B8 tracked snowmobile, 2015 photos
Performance characteristics: Weight -2.9 tons, The number of crew and desсant – 8 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 5230 x 1950 x 2030mm.
Engine power – 95 horsepower, Maximum speed, km / h on a hard crust – 35, on virgin soil – 20, Heading-130 km.
Design features: The base is original, The overall layout – a snowmobile closed; unarmoured; wood is used in the construction; The hull of the snowmobile is heated by warm air from the engine cooling system.
Armament – absent. Chassis – carburetor engine “Ford”, eight-cylinder, V-shaped, liquid cooling; turning mechanism – differential, turning is carried out by turning the skis and braking one of the tracks; for ease of starting in winter there is a lamp-type heater; a track – the reinforced rubber tape.
Note: For the summer of 2017, the snowmobile from the Tank Museum (Kubinka) was moved to Patriot Park.
* Earlier in the exhibit catalog was listed as B2.