Kubinka Museum Soviet heavy tanks and self-propelled guns hangar N1 suffered the most from the reforms and completely changed its appearance recently. Even during the construction of hangars for armored vehicles in 1972, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces was opened in Moscow. Some exhibits were “temporarily” transferred from Kubinka, including the unique Soviet KV-1 and KV-2 heavy tanks. For a long time, signs with the names of the exhibits “KV-1 tank”* and “KV-2” hung on empty places in hangar N1 in the hope of a quick return. When creating the museum during the Cold War, the idea of the hangars was to show the development of each category of armored vehicles in dynamics: chassis, turrets, weapons. It was the chassis from the KV-1 that was used for the urgent production of the famous SU-152 self-propelled gun during the Battle of Kursk. It was this self-propelled gun that destroyed the German Tigers at the Kursk Bulge, for which it received the nickname “St. John’s Wort.” (Zveroboy – Destroyer of beasts). The modernization of the KV-1 chassis made it possible to create a base for the IS series tanks – Joseph Stalin. But more than 50 years have passed, and the Army Museum has not these exhibits. Political Commanders decided that showing the strength and power of Comrade Stalin’s Red Army was more important for the Soviet people than training designers and military engineers. With the formation of Patriot Park, the concept of showing armored vehicles for engineers in the dynamics of development ceased to exist and the KV-1 and KV-2 tanks remained in the Army Museum.
During the reconstruction of Hangar N 1, problems with the surface appeared. Standard concrete slabs were designed to support the weight of Soviet T-72 class main tanks. But Soviet super-heavy experimental monsters such as the IS-7 Joseph Stalin tanks over a long period of time pushed through the concrete and destroyed the surface of the hangar. This problem was also solved and after 2017 the hangar began to have a modern, cozy look. A large amount of iron and concrete accumulated cold in both winter and summer, making visiting this hangar hell for visitors. When the temperature was minus 25 degrees Celsius, the visitor froze within 5 minutes. In Soviet times, visiting the Kubinka Tank Museum by officers of the Military Academy, engineers and KGB officers was mandatory and in groups. It was impossible to refuse the tour and leave the hangar. Knowing this problem, experienced guides, colonels of tank troops, periodically forced the visiting officers to jump to warm up. Movement between hangars was also a run for the same reason. Beginning in 1993, the museum opened its doors to ordinary civilian visitors who also faced this cold problem. The problem was solved by visiting a café after each hangar. The café was located in the administrative building and was warm. In accordance with the Russian folk tradition of fighting the frost, visitors drank hot tea and vodka, after which they went to see the next hangar. This was the case until 2017, when the surface was repaired and small heaters were installed. The pavilions have also become brighter and more comfortable. Below we show modern views of the hangar, as well as take a virtual tour of the past based on our own photographs, archives and memories.
Pavilion N1 from Tank museum HQ to technical and restoration center
According to the Soviet traditions and tasks when the museum was opened in 1972, Pavilion N1 was a place for the showing the Soviet heavy tanks and self-propelled guns in the process of their development: pre- WW2 technology, the creation and the development during the Second World War and further experimental and serial models of the Cold War. The exposition was completed by the self-propelled artillery guns, which were used in Afghanistan and which are still in service with the Russian army. The harmonious logical chain of development was interrupted back in Soviet times, when “temporarily” (for over 50 years) they seized the rare heavy tanks KV-1 and KV-2 for the Museum of the Soviet Army (now the Armed Forces). In 2014, a major reorganization of the museum followed, when in each hall they began to show not tanks by category, but all equipment, including the enemy, of a separate event (1941, 1942, 1943 etc..). For this purpose, most of the exhibits of the Second World War were moved to other pavilions of the Patriot Park, where you can now see them as part of the exhibitions dedicated to the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Kursk Bulge and the Battle of Berlin.
Actual status
2021: The concrete slabs, cracked from the gravity, were replaced in the building. Plates were standard for Soviet military armored units, such as the T-72, but were not suitable for super heavy tanks like the IS-7. Cracks appeared, plates broke. The floor is now suitable for heavy tanks. The net of military equipment of the Second World War was moved (including the “monsters” – the giants of the SU-100) to new sites. As a result, free space appeared and the distance between the exhibits was increased. The tanks are now available to visitors from all sides.
Time Machine. Virtual tour back to the past of the pavilion 1.
History. “Pavilion № 1 staggering size and power of the land dreadnoughts. Five-turrets 55-ton tank T-35, two heavy self-propelled artillery, which worked out the concept of the possibility of installing the field and naval guns of large caliber caterpillar (members of the Finnish company and the defense of Moscow).
Unfortunately, heavy tanks KV (KV-1 and KV-2) and T-28 can be admired only in the Central Armored Forces Museum *, where they left temporarily, for one year (!), and have not returned for more than 30 years (but, they say, on a completely legal basis). But the heavy self-propelled artillery mount SU-152 on the base of the heavy tank KV, created during the war in just 25 days, was preserved! It was she with her three-poodus shell tearing off the tower of the “Tiger”, and a concrete-piercing shell broke his frontal armor.
The only IS-7 heavy tank left with 130 mm guns and 6 machine guns remained, which in its fighting properties was superior to the German “Royal Tiger”, stood all the tests recommended for adoption, issued an order for the manufacture of 50 cars and … not done none…
Have you ever seen a 4-caterpillar tank that, at a weight of 60 tons, walked freely around the swamp? … Or a 21st century car that our designer Pavel Pavlovich Isakov created for fear of all enemies more than 40 years ago, whose main combat characteristics and are now unattainable for foreign models?! … It is worth to get acquainted with the modern representatives of the God of War on the tank base. Among them there are cannons that report an initial velocity of about 1700 meters per second to a pudding projectile! You only blinked an eye, and the projectile already flew almost 2 kilometers ..
Self-propelled artillery installations with tender names “Acacia”, “Hyacinth”, “Tulip” .. searchlight on caterpillar track ..
When you leave the pavilion, pay attention to the heavy machine standing on the pedestal – the IS-3 tank and momentarily return to the year 1945. Golden Autumn, September 7. In the ruins of Berlin, the streets are lightly tidied .. Charlottenburg highway, a parade of Allied troops in honor of the end of the Second World War. The parade of 52 heavy Soviet tanks IS-3 closes. Their passage made a stunning impression on our allies. “
Archive of pavilion views
Recently in the pavilion a special multimedia installation with an audio-visual films about the tanks. At 2021 removed to Patriot Park. Here are some of the exhibits of this pavilion.
Soviet heavy tank T-35. It was the strongest in armament and the only five-towed tank in the world. crew – a whole football team – 11 people. Read more ..
On December 19, 1939, the KV tank was taken into service (Clement Voroshilov). Serial production of tanks KV-1 and KV-2 began in 1940, and until June 22, 1941, 636 tanks were produced. German tanks and anti-tank guns could not withstand KV tanks. At the opening of the Museum of the Soviet Army in Moscow (now CMVC), the tanks KV-1 and KV-2 were temporarily 🙂 moved in 1972 for the open site of the MTCT. Since then, they are there, and instead of them there are signs on the Kubinka.
With the advent of heavy tanks T-V “Panther” and T-VI “Tiger” from the German forces, self-propelled units of 152 mm caliber, nicknamed “Hunter”, began to be manufactured on the basis of the KV-1S tanks specially for the Battle of Kursk. Since August 1943, the KV-85 tanks with an 85-mm cannon were also produced, during the war they were all produced 4800.
Since the spring of 1942, to develop medium-sized T-34 tanks, the development of a heavy IS tank (Joseph Stalin) began. Modifications were made to the IS-1, IS-2 and IS-3 (the latter was used in the war against Japan and allegedly in secret trials in the Battle of Berlin). These tanks were much more powerful than the German “Tigers” and “Panthers”, the German command even issued a special instruction, according to which it was not recommended to its tankmen to engage in the battle with the IS-2 tanks. Based on these tanks began to produce heavy ISU ISU-152 and ISU-122.
After the “allied” parade on September 7, 1945, when Churchill saw Soviet heavy tanks of IS-3, he began to prepare for a new, “cold” war. After the war, the tanks of IS-2 and IS-3 served as a model for British and American tank builders. The last domestic serial representative of this heavy class was the T-10 tank (modifications T-10A, T-10B and T-10M). The name of the IS-10 was planned, but the death of Stalin and the exposure of the cult of personality led to a change in the marking to “T”. He surpassed the English and American counterparts in firepower, protection and mobility with less weight and dimensions.
Heavy SU-14-2 (N2 in catalogue list) self-propelled gun. During the Battle of Moscow, when the front was 6 kilometers from Kubinka range, this monster took part in repulsing the offensive of the fascist troops, making artillery bombardment for 22 kilometers directly from the landfill site.
Soviet heavy self-propelled unit SU-100U, 1939, the only sample as prototype.
Tank museum an official catalogue*, P1 exhibits, (Soviet heavy tanks and Assault guns). (Copyright Mikhail Blinov).
N – Mark ———— Object ——– Year of manufacture ——– Name —- type of production
- Т-35, –, 1933, heavy tank, serial
- SU-14-2, –, 1939, self-propelled gun, single sample (see T-35 page above)
- SU-100u, –, 1939, self-propelled gun, single sample (see T-35 and SU-100 U)
- KV-85, –, 1943, heavy tank based on KV-1S, serial
- SU-152, –, 1943, self-propelled gun, serial
- IS-2М, 240М, 1943, heavy tank, serial
- ISU-130,
249250 , 1944, self-propelled gun, single sample - IS-3, 703, 1945, heavy tank, serial
- ISU-152, 704, 1945, self-propelled gun, single sample
- IS-4, 701, 1947, heavy tank, serial.
- IS-7, 260, 1948, heavy tank, single sample
- Т-10, 730, 1950, heavy tank, serial
- ISU-152K, (ob. 241), 1943/56, assault gun, serial
- Т-10М, 734, 1957, heavy tank, serial
- ISU-152М, 241М, 1943/59, assault gun, serial.
- –, 266, 1957, heavy tank on T-10 base, single sample
- SU-152, 268, 1956, assault gun T-10 base, single sample
- –, 277, 1957, heavy tank, single sample.
- –, 279, 1957, heavy tank, single sample.
- –, 770, 1957, heavy tank, single sample .
- –, SU-100, (SU-100М) 416, 1952, assault gun (covered), single sample
- SU-100p, 105, 1949, assault gun, single sample
- BTR, 112, 1949, tracked armored carrier, single sample
- SU-152g, 108, 1949, assault gun, single sample
- SU-152p, 116, 1949, assault gun, single sample
- SU-152, 120, 1965, assault gun (covered), single sample
- SG-152, 2S3 “Acacia” (locust tree), 1969, self-propelled howitzer, serial
- SU-152, 2S5 “Hyacinth” (jacinth), 1974, assault gun, serial
- IS-3М, 703М, 1957/60, heavy tank (
outside on the monument), serial (see IS-3 above)
The equipment of pavilion N1, not included in the catalog:
- Self-propelled searchlight SPU on heavy chassis
- Mobile command and observation point of artillery 1V15
- 240 mm. mortar (mine-thrower) 2S4 “Tulip”
* – there are some inaccuracies in the Catalog, corrections and clarifications in the possibility are also given
** – from January 2012 – “Central Museum of Armored Weapons and Equipment”
see also:
- Pre- and WW2, Cold War soviet army tank crew uniform
*we display the list of all exhibits existed in Hall N1 since 1972 till 2014
Since 2015 some vehicles were moved into park “Patriot” and other places (including the repairing factories and Halls)
* The KV-1 tank located in the Army Museum in Moscow should correctly be called the KV-1S, since it has different rollers and tracks from the Second World War period. Only one, the rear roller, has the correct, original convex surface. After World War II, the tank was used as a training tank at the military academy for driving, from where the museum came to Kubinka. For this reason, many artists and scale model makers have made the mistake of rollers and tracks. Serious work on the study and technical measurements of KV-1 and KV-2 tanks was carried out only by specialists from the Tomiya company (Japan). The KV-1, with fully preserved WWII completeness, is preserved only in the Tank Museum in the city of Saumur in the Loire Valley. This example also has a unique history of service in the Red Army and later in the ROA, the Russian Liberation Army.
N1 Soviet T-35 tank
After the Second World War, for a long time the Soviet T-35 tank was kept in Hangar N1 in the Kubinka Tank Museum. According to the official Museum catalog from 1994, the T-35 is also listed in Hangar N1 in the list of Soviet heavy tanks and self-propelled guns. After the reorganization and creation of the Patriot Park in 2015, the T-35 tank was moved to the Museum site N 1, inside the halls, but sometimes on holidays it is shown on the outdoor exhibition in front of the entrance.
Soviet heavy tank T-35, 1933, serial, (official catalog).
Military service:
- pre WW2, Red square military parades
- Soviet- Finland war (“Winter war”)
- World War Two (early period)
Participated in the Great Patriotic War (initial period)

Permanent display location in Hangar N 1 of the Kubinka Tank Museum from 1972 to 2015 (Archive photo)
- T-35 in the Hangar of Soviet heavy tanks and self-propelled guns (2003)
- Front tank turrets (2003)
- 5 turret tank T-35 is good for parades on Red Square, but not for battlefields
- Left idler wheel close up (2006)
- Right idler wheel and chassis bulletproof protection
- Tank turrets with tactical insignia (2006)
- T-35 tank with tactical markings, as seen at a military parade on Red Square in Moscow
- Radio antenna around a tank turret (2006)
- Another view of the radio antenna and tank turrets
- Rear view of the chassis and tank turrets
- From 1972 to 2015 the rear view of the T-35 tank was not available to visitors
- Another T-35 tank rear view (2019 archive)
Soviet T-35 tank
The tank was produced serially from 1933 to 1939. Served in the Red Army
Tactical and technical characteristics of the T-35 tank: Weight – 50 tons. Dimensions (length x width x height) – 9720 x 3200 x 3430, Crew – 11 people.
Armament: gun – 1 pc. , caliber – 76.2 mm., ammunition – 96 shots; gun – 2 pcs., caliber – 45 mm., ammunition – 220 shots;machine gun – 5 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 10000 pcs.
Armor Protection: the forehead of the hullis 50 mm., the tower – 20 mm., the board – 20 mm., the bulwark – 10 mm.
Engine power – 500 h/p, The maximum speed is 30 km / h, the power reserve is 100 .. 200 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.7 m.
Features of the T-35 tank design: the base is the original one, the layout is classical. The control compartment is located in the front part of the hull, the combat compartment is in the middle, the engine and the transmission in the stern. Armament of the T-35 tank is located two-tier in the five turrets of the tank. A short barrel, the KT-28 tank cannon of caliber 76.2 mm. is installed in a central turret with a circular rotation. Two 45-mm. The tank guns of the 1932 model were installed in diagonally located turrets of the lower tier and could simultaneously fire forward-to-right and back-to-left. Two tank machine gun of caliber 7.62 mm. paired with 45 mm. guns, three more are located in the ball bearings of the central and machine-gun turrets.
Chassis: The carburetor V-shaped 12-cylinder liquid-cooled engine M-17T is located longitudinally with the toe of the crankshaft to the stern and is connected to the 4-speed manual gearbox, airborne friction clutch and on-board gears via the multi-disk main friction clutch of dry friction. The pendant is grouped into carts by two rollers. Rollers sprung with spiral springs. Between the guide wheel and the first support roller, a tension roller
Fragments of history. Based on the tanks of the company “Сarden-Lloyd-Vickers” bought in Great Britain in the early 30s, they developed their own heavy tanks. One of these Soviet T-35 tanks was developed in 1933. Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 61 pieces were manufactured that were in the reserves of the Supreme Command and demonstrated the military might of the Soviet state in parades on Red Square. The same tank is depicted on the combat reward, medals.
In 1941, all these tanks were used in battles for Western Ukraine and in the battle for Moscow, and all were lost. Only one sample in Kubinka has survived.
This heavy soviet T-35 tank you can see at the Red Square military parades pre-WW2.
This tank also displayed on the very popular medal “For Bravery” (Medal of Honor).
The tank was recently renovated and is in working order. It took part in the WW2 historical reenactment of the Battle for Moscow (?).
At summer 2019 the temporary locations: 1) outdoor expo near VKS 2) Hall N3 of Patriot park. Ask you travel guide about current position.
Modifications and armored vehicles on the T-35 chassis.
Soviet heavy Assault Gun SU-14
Current location: ex. Kubinka tank Museum, pavilion N1 (Soviet heavy tanks and self-propelled units – USSR armored vehicles).
- Monsters of the Soviet-Finnish Winter War (Hall 1)
- Front armor and driver’s seat
- 152 mm heavy naval gun from the First World War era
- Gun mask and sight
- Rear chassis, double rollers
- View of the SU-14 chassis and deckhouse on the left (2019)
- View of the SU-14 self-propelled gun when the hangar was dark and cold (2006)
- View of the SU-14 next to the T-35 tank and SU-100U AG (2006)
Soviet heavy self-propelled unit SU-14-2, 1939, the only sample (as a official catalog).
There is a legend originating from museum veterans that this self-propelled gun was used to defend the Kubinka railway station a few kilometers from the museum. During the Battle of Moscow in 1941, the front passed just 6 kilometers from the museum and the training ground was temporarily evacuated. It is not yet possible to verify this legend, since the archive of the museum (test site) was destroyed in 1992 during declassification. According to another version, this self-propelled unit took part during the Soviet-Finnish Winter War and showed many shortcomings of the chassis. The events of October 1941, when Moscow was planned to be surrendered to the Germans, are the most unknown and documents are almost completely absent. At this time there was great chaos and there were few reports, very few documents survived. Our team found a unique real map of the commander of the northwestern section of the defense of Moscow with all positions and donated it to the T-34 tank Museum. We also present this map with all positions on our guide in the Battle of Moscow section. The map was supposed to be transferred to Patriot Park, but the management showed no interest (laziness is a national trait in Russia) and the exhibit was transferred to another museum.
SU-14 Soviet heavy Self-propelled Gun
The self-propelled installation was developed in 1939 to break through the fortified “Mannerheim Line”. Released in a single copy. I was not in service with me. It was used in battles during the Soviet-Finnish war and in the battle for Moscow. From the Kubinka area a self-propelled unit fired on the advancing enemy.
Tactical and technical characteristics of SU-14-2:
Weight – 65 tons. Crew – 7 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm. – 10,000 x 3370 x 3560
Armament: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 152 mm., ammunition – 16 shots; machine guns – 4 pieces, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 2655 shots. Armor protection SU-14-2: forehead hull and felling – 50 mm.
Engine power – 500 h /p, The maximum speed is 25 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 150 km.,The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Features of the construction of SU-14-2: the base – special, the units of T-28 and T-35 tanks are used.
General layout – the combat compartment is located in the middle and rear parts of the body, the engine-transmission and control compartment – in the front.
Armament – the gun has a pedestal unit with swinging armor; machine guns are placed in front, along the sides and in the stern of the felling. Protection – the hull is welded and riveted from rolled parts.
Chassis. Engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, carburetor, liquid cooling; transmission mechanical; suspended suspension, spring.
Based on the experience of combat operations on the battlefields of the Soviet-Finnish “winter” war, it was concluded that the T-35 tank chassis and the SU-14 self-propelled gun are not suitable for combat operations in forested and swampy areas. A cart with two rollers is suitable for the Western Front, but not for the Eastern Front. The design bureau began to develop a new type of chassis in the style of the KV tank. Thus, the experimental self-propelled unit SU-100 U appeared, created to break through the forts of the Mannerheim Line. When the SU-100 U was ready, the Soviet-Finnish war had already ended. According to the stories of the guides of the Kubinka Tank Museum, in 1941 the self-propelled gun also took part in the battles for Kubinka area, but this fact is refuted by some historians.
Soviet SU-100 U heavy experimental assault gun
Location: Kubinka Tank Museum, pavilion N1 (Soviet heavy tanks and self-propelled units – USSR vehicles and equipment).
Soviet heavy self-propelled gun SU-100U, 1939, the only sample (official catalog).
It was developed in 1939 to storm the reinforcement of the Mannerheim Line. Released in a single copy. I was not in service with me. Used in the battles of the Soviet-Finnish war
Assault Gun SU-100U tactical and technical characteristics
The weight of SU-100U is 64 tons. Crew – 6 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm. – 10900 x 3400 x 3290
Weapons’: gun – 1 pc. , Caliber – 130 mm., Ammunition – 30 rds.; machine gun – 3 pieces, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 1800. Armor protection SU-100U: forehead and hull – 60 mm.
Engine power – 890 horsepower, The maximum speed is 32 km / h. Cruising range on the highway – 200 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Features of the design of SU-100U. Base – the original, on the chassis of an experienced heavy tank T-100.
General layout – the combat compartment is located in the middle of the car body, the engine-transmission – in the rear and the control compartment – in the front.
Armament SU-100 U – the gun is installed on trunnions and embrasure of the frontal sheet of the felling, covered with mobile armor; machine guns are placed along the sides and in the stern of the felling. Protection – the body is welded and riveted from rolled parts.
Chassis – engine 10-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, liquid cooling; transmission mechanical; suspension – individual, leaf springs without shock absorbers.
Soviet SU-152 Assault Gun
It was developed in 1943. Produced from 1943 to 1944. It was in service with the Red Army (since 1945 the Soviet) Army. Used in battles:
- The Great Patriotic War
Established in January 1943 in SKB-2 pilot plant N100 and KB N172 on the basis of a heavy tank KV-1S under the leadership of J. Ya. Kotin: the leading designer L. Troyanov. It was armed with heavy self-propelled artillery regiments. Manufactured in 1943-1944, manufactured 671 cars
The first battle baptism of the SAU was at the Battle of Kursk (see also Prokhorovka).
Performance characteristics SU-152
Weight – 45.5 tons, Crew – 5 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) 8950 x 3250 x 2450 mm.
Armament SU-152: gun (howitzer) – 1 piece, caliber – 152 mm., ammunition – 20 shots, maximum shooting range – 12,000 m, rate of fire 1-2 * per minute
Armor protection: the front part – 75 mm., The side – 60 mm., The tower – 70 mm., The mask of the gun 120 mm.
Engine power – 600 horsepower, The maximum speed is 43 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 330 (490) kilometers, Depth of water barriers to be surfaced is 1.6 meters
Features of the design of SU-152
The base used is the KV-1s tank.
General layout – above the front part of the hull is installed a log cabin, in which a combat compartment is located; the control compartment is in the front of the hull; motor-transmission – in the rear of the hull.
Armament. The cannon (howitzer) is installed in the wheelhouse on the machine; guidance mechanisms sector, manual; telescopic and panoramic sights; separate loading shots. Protection – hull and felling welded, from armored sheets.
Chassis. Engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, liquid-cooled V2K diesel engine; transmission mechanical; individual suspension, torsion bar.
Radio communication: radio station 9P (or 10R, 10RK-26). interphone TPU.
* According to other data, 2-3 shots per minute, which raises big doubts on separate loading
Location: at 2019 – “the battle for Kursk” hall of Patriot park. Ask your travel guide.
Soviet KV-85 tank
The tank was developed in 1943. It was produced serially and was in service with the Red Army (the Soviet Army since 1945). Participated in the battles:
- The Second World War
Kubinka tank museum, Pavilion N1 (soviet heavy tanks and assault guns) Virtual tour.
- The last parking of the KV-85 in the Kubinka tank museum. Note the track marks on the concrete (2016)
Soviet heavy KV-85 tank the tactical and technical characteristics: The weight of the KV-85 tank is 46 tons,
Crew of the tank – 4 people, The overall dimensions (length x width x height) are 69000 x 3250 x 2800 mm.
Armament of the KV-85 tank: gun 1 piece, caliber – 85 mm., ammunition – 70 shots; machine gun – 3 pieces, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 3276 shots. Armor protection: body – 75 mm., Tower – 100 mm.
Engine power – 600 horsepower, The maximum speed is 42 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 250 km, Depth of water barriers to be surfaced is 1.6 meters
Base – the base of KV-1s, the turret is original, General configuration: the combat application is located in the middle part of the turret, the control compartment in the front part along the longitudinal axis of the tank, the motor-transmission compartment is in the stern.
Armament of the KV-85 tank; the gun is mounted on trunnions in the frontal part of the turret and is covered with armor-mask, one machine gun is paired with a gun, the second is installed in the ball support of the aft wall of the turret. Another machine gun spare.
Protection; The body is welded, the tower is cast.
The chassis of the KV-85 tank. Engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel, liquid cooling; tractor type; individual torsion suspension; support rollers with internal cushioning.
Location: 2019 – at “Battle for Kursk” 1943 hall of Patriot park Hall.
Kubinka tank museum Pavilion N1 (soviet heavy tanks and Assault Guns)
Soviet heavy IS-2 (“Joseph Stalin”)
It was developed in 1942. It was produced serially from 1943 to 1945. Was in service with the Soviet Army. Used in the battles of the Great Patriotic War.
Tactical and technical characteristics of IS-2: Weight – 46 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm 9830 х 3070 х 2730.
Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber, 122 mm., ammunition, “shots 28; machine gun – 3 pieces, caliber-7.62 mm., ammunition, 2330 shots.
Armor protection, mm: The forehead of the body 120, the forehead of the tower 100.
Engine power, hp 520, The maximum speed, km / h. 40, Cruising range on the highway, km .. 180, Depth of water barriers to be surfaced, m 1,3.
Design Features: Base – tank IS-85. The general layout is classical; three crew members are stationed in the combat compartment; engine-transmission compartment – in the stern part of the hull.
Armament – a cannon and a machine gun are paired, a second machine gun is fixed in a ball system at the stern of the tower, a third machine gun is a course gun; The coupled installation of the gun and machine gun is equipped with telescopic and periscopic sights.
Protection – the body is welded, made of cast and rolled parts; the tower cast, has a fixed commander’s turret.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke liquid-cooled diesel engine with an electric inertia starter; transmission mechanical; gearbox eight-speed with a demultiplier; mechanism of rotation – two-stage, planetary; individual suspension, torsion bar.
WW2 Soviet experimental heavy Assault Gun ISU-130, Object 250
It was developed in 1944 on IS-2 chassis. An experimental batch was issued. I was not at military service. In the battles did not participate. In connection with the end of the Second World War, the work was stopped.
Tactical and technical characteristics of ISU-130: Weight – 47 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm. 11420 x 3070 x 2480.
Armament: gun S26, 1 piece, caliber – 130 mm., ammunition, 25 shots, separate loading, rate of fire up to 2 rounds per minute, firing range up to 15000 m.
Armored protection, mm felling, forehead and sides of the hull – 90 mm.
Engine power, 520 hp, Maximum speed, km / h 40, Cruising range on the highway – 150 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.3 meters.
Created on the basis of ISU-122S KB N100 plant under the direction of J. Kotin.
Features of the ISU-130 design: Base – tank IS-2 heavy tank. General layout – the combat compartment is located in the cabin and the front of the hull. Armament – the gun is mounted on trunnions in the front part of the felling and is shifted to the right with respect to the longitudinal axis of the machine; gate wedge, horizontal; there is a system for blowing the barrel bore with compressed air; telescopic and panoramic sights are installed. Protection – hull and felling crocheted, from rolled armor plates.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, liquid-cooled diesel V2 IS; transmission mechanical; individual suspension, torsion bar.
Means of communication: Radio station 10РК-26, Tank talker TPU-4 BisF for 4 subscribers.
Soviet heavy IS-3 (Joseph Stalin)
It was developed in 1945. It was produced serially from 1945 to 1959. Was in service with the Soviet Army. Used in the battles of the Second World War. According to some information, he participated in secret trials in the battle for Berlin. First demonstrated to the Allies at the parade on September 7, 1945 in Berlin
- IS-3 in hangar N1 at Kubinka (2021)
- Tank turret and gun mantlet
- IS-3 rear view, engine compartment, fuel tanks
- Factory chassis serial number
Tactical and technical characteristics of IS-3: weight -46.5 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm 9850 x 3150 x 2450
Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 122 mm., ammunition – 28 shots; machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 765 shots, caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 250 shots.
Armor protection, mm: forehead of body 120, head of head – 250
Engine power – 520 h/p, The maximum speed is 40 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 340 km., Depth of water barriers to be surfaced, m 1,1
Features of the design of IS-3: Base – tank IS-2, the overall layout is classical.
Armament – with a cannon paired a 7.62 mm machine gun; an anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on a tower turret turret; For shooting, a telescopic sight is used; The mechanism of rotation of the tower is planetary with a manual and electric stepless drive.
Protection – the shell and the tower of the original configuration; The front sheets of the hull are installed with a double slope at a large angle to the vertical; tower cast.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, liquid-cooled diesel (cooling system with preheater); The engine is started by an electric starter or compressed air. Modifications and armored vehicles on the IS-3 chassis.
Soviet IS-4 heavy tank
IS-4 (“Joseph Stalin”) heavy soviet was developed in 1947, after WW2. It was produced serially, limited by the party from 1947 to 1948. Was in service with the Soviet Army. In the battles was not used.
Soviet IS-4 heavy tank tactical and technical characteristics:
Weight – 60 tons, Crew – 4 people.
Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm. 9790 x 3260 x 2480
Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 122 mm., Ammunition – 30 shots,
machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 1000 shots.
Armored protection, mm forehead – 160, forehead – 250
Engine power – 750 h/p, The maximum speed is 43 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 320 km.
Depth of water obstacles to be surfaced is 1.5 m
Design Features: Base – tank IS-3. The overall layout is classical.
Armament – with a cannon paired a 12.7 mm machine gun; the anti-aircraft machine gun is fixed to the turret of the charging hatch; gun guidance electromechanical. Protection – a welded hull of increased rigidity, a cast tower with variable wall thickness.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke, liquid-cooled diesel engine with a drive centrifugal supercharger; there is a device for heating the intake air; transmission planetary with original turning mechanism and multipliers; individual suspension, torsion bar.
- Tank turret and machine gun against aircraft
- IS-4 tank from behind (2021 photos)
- Rear view of the hull and turret
- Right side of the chassis and tank turret
Soviet experimental IS-7 super heavy tank (object 260)
The tank was developed in 1948. An experimental batch was issued. He was not in service. In the battles did not participate. Location: Kubinka tank museum Pavilion N1 (soviet heavy tanks and assault guns).
Weight – 68 tons, Crew – 5 people, dimensions (length x width x height) – 10000 x 3400 x 2480 mm.
Armament of the IS-7 tank: gun – 1 piece, caliber -130 mm., ammunition – 25 shots; machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 14.5 mm., ammunition – 1000 shots; machine gun – 6 pcs., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition 6000 shots
Armor protection, the forehead of the body is 150 mm., The forehead of the turret is 210 mm.
Engine power – 1050 horsepower, The maximum speed is 59 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 300 km. The depth of the water barriers that are forded 1.5 meters
Features of the IS-7: Base – the original. The overall layout is classical, four crew members are deployed in the combat compartment. Armament – with a cannon paired three machine guns; four machine guns of caliber of 7.62 mm are located on the sides of the hull and turret in armored hoods; on the roof of the turret there is a large-caliber machine gun KPV (*); there is a mechanism for facilitating the loading of the gun.
Protection – the hull welded, side sheets bent; The turret is one-piece cast in a spherical shape with varying thicknesses and angles of inclination.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped four-stroke marine diesel; transmission mechanical, planetary; independent suspension with beam torsion bars, hydraulic shock absorbers and buffer supports; caterpillars with rubber-metal hinges, support rollers with internal cushioning.
* KP – large-caliber machine gun of the Vladimirov system. More photos:
- rear view of IS-7 tank (2021)
- View of a tank turret and machine gun
- Rear view of IS-7 tank
- Chassis, drive wheel and rear machine gun
- Rear machine gun close up
- Another photo from the side of the rear machine gun
- Directional machine gun, side view
- Another view of the chassis and turret
- Right side of IS-7 tank, chassis
- Factory serial number of the tank hull
- IS-7 tank front view, gun
- IS-7 chassis and road wheels
N9 Experimental ISU-152 Assault Gun (object 704)
It was developed in 1945. Produced a pilot serie. It was in service with the Soviet Army. In battles it was not used.
- N9 Experimental ISU-152 Assault Gun (object 704), 2015 Kubinka tank museum photos
- Experimental ISU-152 Assault Gun (object 704), 2021 June Kubinka tank museum photos
- Soviet Experimental ISU-152 Assault Gun (object 704), 2021 Kubinka tank museum photos
- Cold War Soviet Experimental ISU-152 Assault Gun (object 704), 2021 Kubinka tank museum photos
- Soviet Experimental ISU-152 heavy Assault Gun (object 704), 2021 Kubinka tank museum photos
Soviet heavy Assault gun ISU-152 (object 704) Performance characteristics: Weight – 47.3 tons, Crew – 5 people. The overall dimensions (length x width x height) are 8530 x 3150 x 2240 mm.
Armament of ISU-152 (object 704): gun (howitzer) – 1 piece, caliber – 152 mm., ammunition – 20 shots; machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 600 shots. Armored protection: forehead and hull – 120 mm., Side – 90 mm.
Engine power – 520 horsepower: The maximum speed is 40 km / h, Power reserve – 180 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.1 meters
Design features of the ISU-152 (object 704): Base – tank IS-3, The overall layout – the combat compartment and the control room are combined; The driver-mechanic is located in the firing compartment on the left in the direction of travel.
Armament – installed: a special targeting system linking the commander to the gunner and driver-mechanic; paired and anti-aircraft machine guns; telescopic and panoramic sights. Protection – a common angle for the hull and felling of the frontal sheet; the lower side plates of the body have opposite angles of inclination.
N12 Т-10 Soviet heavy tank (object 730)
T-10 Soviet heavy tank (object 730) was developed in 1950. It was produced serially from 1950 to 1957. Was in service with the Soviet Army.
- N12 Т-10 Soviet heavy tank (object 730), 2006 December Kubinka museum photos
Tactical and technical characteristics of the T-10 tank: Weight – 50 tons, Crew – 4 persons. Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9715 x 3518 x 2460 mm.
Armament of the T-10 tank: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 122 mm., ammunition – 30 shots; machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 1000 shots.
Armored protection: the forehead of the body is 120 mm., The forehead of the turret is 200 mm.
Engine power – 750 horsepower, The maximum speed is 42 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 200 km.
The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.5 km.
Design features of T-10: the base is special, separate design solutions of the IS-4 and IS-7 tanks were used. The overall layout is classical.
Armament – coupled installation of gun and machine gun; The second machine gun is mounted on the turret of the charging hatch; The control of the weapon system with the help of the remote control; in this machine, the charging mechanism facilitates the loading of the projectiles.
Protection – the hull is welded, from rolled parts, side sheets are bent, the turret is cast.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel with supercharged and ejection cooling system; transmission mechanical, planetary (in one block with a turning mechanism); suspension torsion beam, hydraulic shock absorbers for the first time placed inside the balancers of the first, second and seventh suspensions.
N13 ISU-152К Heavy Assault Gun
Soviet heavy self-propelled artillery mount ISU-152K (? Object 241) was developed in 1956 as an upgrade of the ISU-152 automatic control system at the capital repair plants. Produced serially and was in service with the Soviet Army.
- N13 ISU-152К Soviet Heavy Assault Gun (Object 241), 2015 September Kubinka tank museum photos
- ISU-152К Soviet Heavy Assault Gun (Object 241), 2021 June Kubinka tank museum photos
- N13 ISU-152К Soviet Heavy Assault Gun (Object 241), 2021 June Kubinka tank museum photos
- Soviet ISU-152К heavy Assault Gun (Object 241), 2021 June Kubinka tank museum photos
- N13 ISU-152К Soviet Heavy Assault Gun (Object 241), 2021 June Kubinka tank museum photos
- ISU-152К Soviet Heavy Assault Gun (Object 241), 2021 June Kubinka tank museum photos
Tactical and technical characterstics: Weight – 46.5 (47.2) tons, the Crew, people .. 5.
Armament: gun, pcs. – 1, caliber – 152 mm., Ammunition, shots 30; machine gun, pcs. 1, caliber – 12.5 mm., Ammunition, shots of 300.
Armor protection, mm: the forehead of the hull is 90 mm., the forehead of the felling is 90 mm.
Engine power – 520 hp, Maximum speed, km / h 40, Cruising range on the highway, km 360.
AG ISU-152K Design Features: It features increased ammunition, installation of a new engine, installation of a commander’s turret with sight devices, improved chassis.
N14 Soviet T-10M (object 734), Cold war serial heavy tank
The T-10M tank was developed in 1956. Produced serially from 1957 to 1962 g. Served in the armament of the Soviet Army. In battles did not participate (?)
- N14 Soviet T-10M (object 734), Cold war serial heavy tank, 2016 Kubinka museum photos
- Soviet T-10M (object 734), Cold war serial heavy tank, 2016 Kubinka museum photos
- N14 Soviet T-10M (object 734), Cold war serial heavy tank, 2016 Kubinka museum photos
Characteristics of the T-10M tank: Weight – 51,5 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9715x 3380 x 2585 mm.
Armament of T-10M: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 122 mm., ammunition – 30 shots; machine gun – 2 pieces, caliber – 14.5 mm., ammunition – 744 shots. Armor protection, forehead – 120 mm., Forehead of the turret – 200 mm.
Engine power – 750 horsepower, The maximum speed is 50 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 350 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surmounted is 1.5 meters.
Design features of T-10M: Base – tank T-10, General layout – classical.
Armament – stabilized in two planes, sight with an independent stabilization of the field of view. Protection – body welded, from rolled parts; The lower part of the side and above the crawler shelf are made of one bent part; tower cast with welded roof; The tank is equipped with a system of protection against nuclear weapons.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke liquid-cooled diesel engine with a drive centrifugal supercharger and ejection cooling system; transmission mechanical, planetary (in one block with a turning mechanism); suspension torsion beam, beam shock absorbers are placed inside the balancers of the first, second and seventh suspension.
ISU-152М (Object 241М), 1943/59 heavy assault gun, serial
It was developed in 1959. It was produced serially from 1959 to 1964. It was in service with the Soviet Army. In battles it was not used.
Characteristics: Weight – 46 tons, Crew, – 5 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm .. 9050 x 3080 x 2405.
Armament: gun – howitzer – 1 piece, caliber – 152 mm., ammunition – 20 shots; anti-aircraft machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 12.7 mm., ammunition – 250 shots. Armor protection, mm: forehead and hull 90.
Engine power – 520 hp, The maximum speed is 40 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 400 km, Depth of water barriers to be surfaced, m 1,3.
Design Features: Based on ISU-152, The overall layout is classical.
Armament – the gun is mounted on trunnions in the front part of the felling and is shifted to the right with respect to the longitudinal axis of the machine; telescopic sight and panoramic sight; there is an anti-aircraft machine gun. Protection – hull and felling welded, from rolled armor plates.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder diesel with ventilation cooling system; power transmission – mechanical; suspension – individual, torsion.
N16 Object 266 soviet experimental heavy tank on Т-10 base
Heavy tank based on T-10 (“Object 266”) was developed in 1957, only a prototype has been issued, was not in service. In the battles was not used.
- N16 Object 266 soviet experimental heavy tank on Т-10 base, 2016 Febrary Kubinka museum photos
- Object 266 soviet experimental heavy tank on Т-10 base, 2016 Febrary Kubinka museum photos
Characteristics of object 266: Weight – 50 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 9715 x 3388 x 2460 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 122 mm., ammunition – 30 shots; machine guns – 2 pieces, caliber – 12,7 mm., ammunition – 1000 shots. Armored protection: the forehead of the hull is 120 mm., The forehead of the turret is 200 mm.
Engine power, hp 700, The maximum speed is 42 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 200 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.3 meters
Design features: The base is a heavy tank T-10, the overall layout is classical.
Armament – stabilized in two planes, a sight with an independent stabilization of the field of view. Protection – the body of welded, from rolled armored parts; The tower is cast in a streamlined shape with varying thickness and inclination of the walls.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel water cooling with a drive centrifugal supercharger and ejection cooling system; transmission mechanical planetary (in one block with a turning mechanism); suspension torsion beam, hydraulic shock absorbers are placed inside the balancers of the first, second and seventh suspension.
N17 Object 268 soviet experimental heavy Assault Gun
Self-propelled gun of SU-152 on the basis of the T-10 tank (“object 268”) was developed in 1956, only a prototype has been issued, was not in service at soviet army. In battles it was not used.
- N17 Object 268 soviet experimental heavy Assault Gun, 2016 Febrary Kubinka museum photos
Characteristics of object 268: Weight – 50 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) 9100 x 3270 x 2675 mm.
Armament of facility 268: gun – 1 piece, caliber 152 mm., ammunition – 22 shots; machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 14.5 mm., ammunition 250 shots. Armor protection: the forehead of the body is 120 mm., The forehead of the felling is 170 mm.
Engine power – 750 horsepower, The maximum speed is 48 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 350 kilometers, The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Features of the construction of the object 268: The base is a heavy serial tank T-10, The overall layout is closed, the control room is located in front of the machine. Armament is a mechanical method of aiming a gun; loading with the tray-type dispatch mechanism; blowing the bore of the barrel by an ejection device; there are rangefinder, telescopic and panoramic sights.
Protection – the hull is welded, armor sheets are welded on top of the hull, the rear deck is removable for dismantling the artillery system.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke water-cooled diesel engine with drive supercharger and ejection cooling system; transmission mechanical, planetary (in one block with a turning mechanism); suspension torsion beam, hydraulic shock absorbers are placed inside the balancers of the first, second and seventh suspension.
N18 Object 277 soviet heavy experimental tank
Object 277 heavy tank, single sample (on IS-7 and T-10) was developed in 1957, only a prototype has been issued, was not in service.
- N18 Object 277 heavy experimental tank (USSR), Kubinka museum photos
- Soviet Object 277 heavy experimental tank, 2019 September Kubinka museum photos
Characteristics: Weight – 55 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm. 10150 x 3380 x 2500.
Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 130 mm., ammunition – 26 shots; machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 14.5 mm., ammunition – 250 shots. Armor protection, mm: forehead hull .. 120, forehead of the turret .. 290
Engine power, HP 1000, The maximum speed is 55 km / h, Cruising range along the highway, km 190, The depth of water barriers, fordable – 1.2 meters.
Design Features: The base is special, some design decisions of the IS-7 and T-10 tanks were used. The overall layout is classical. Armament – available: cassette-type charging mechanism semi-automatic with electric drive; stabilizer arms in two planes; automated fire control system; sight-rangefinder; blowing the barrel bore with compressed air.
Protection – the hull is welded, side sheets are bent with variable thickness, the front part of the hull and turret are cast, the bottom of the structure is trough-like.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel water cooling with a drive centrifugal supercharger and ejection cooling system; transmission mechanical planetary (in one block with the engine); suspension torsion beam, beam shock absorbers are installed on the first, second and eighth suspension.
N19 Object 279 soviet heavy experimental 4-track tank
Soviet heavy experimental 4-track tank (object 279) was developed in 1957, only one prototype has been issued, was not in service.
- N19 Object 279 soviet heavy experimental 4-track tank, 2019 September Kubinka museum photos
- Object 279 soviet heavy experimental 4-track tank, 2019 September Kubinka museum photos
- N19 Object 279 soviet heavy experimental 4-track tank, 2003 Kubinka museum photos
Characteristics: Weight – 60 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 10238.x 3400 x 2475 mm.
Armament of the Object N279: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 130 mm., ammunition – 24 shots; machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 14.5 mm., ammunition – 300 shots.
Armor protection; the forehead of the hull is 269 mm., the forehead of the turret is 305 mm.
Engine power – 1000 horsepower, The maximum speed is 55 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 250 km., The depth of water barriers, fordable – 1.2 meters.
Object (Project) N279 Design Features: the base is special, The overall layout is classical.
Armament – there are: semi-automatic loading mechanism, armament stabilizer in two planes, sight-range gauge, automatic guidance system.
Protection – the hull of molded curvilinear form with thin sheet anti-cumulative screens; turret cast spherical shape with thin sheets.
Chassis – engine 16-cylinder, H-shaped, four-stroke diesel with a vertical arrangement of cylinders; transmission hydromechanical with a complex torque converter and a three-stage planetary gearbox; the suspension is hydropneumatic.
N20 Object 770 soviet heavy experimental tank
The Soviet experimental heavy tank “Object 770” was developed in 1957 by the ChTZ KB headed by P.Isakov, only a prototype has been issued, the work was stopped in 1961, was not in service. In the battles was not used.
- N20 Object 770 soviet heavy experimental tank, 2016 Febrary Kubinka museum photos
- Object 770 soviet heavy experimental tank, 2016 Febrary Kubinka museum photos
Characteristics: Weight – 55 tons, Crew -4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height), mm. 10150 x 3380 x 2420.
Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 130 mm., ammunition – 26 shots; machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 14.5 mm., ammunition – 250 shots.
Armored protection, mm: the forehead of the hull – 120, the forehead of the turret. 290
Engine power – 1000 hp, The maximum speed is 55 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 200 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Design Features: The base is special, The overall layout is classical.
Armament – used: a loading mechanism, an armament stabilizer in two planes, an automated guidance system, a sight-range finder; Day and night devices for shooting and surveillance.
Protection – the hull is cast-in-one with different thicknesses in height and hull length; The turret is cast with an enlarged frontal part and an elongated stern.
Chassis – engine DST-10, 10-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine with a supercharging compressor and using the energy of exhaust gases, double row, cooling water; hydromechanical transmission with integrated hydro-transformer and planetary gearbox; individual hydro pneumatic suspension with hydraulic caterpillar tensioning mechanism; Motion control with the help of a motorcycle-type handle; support rollers with internal damping.
N21 Soviet SU-100m experimental heavy assault gun (Object 416)
“Object 416” Developed at Kharkov Plant No 75 as a new tank. The project for the Object 416 tank was completed in 1950. In 1951 a prototype was produced. It was not adopted for service.
- N21 Soviet SU-100m experimental heavy assault gun (Object 416), 2014 September Kubinka museum photos
- Soviet SU-100m experimental heavy assault gun (Object 416), 2014 September Kubinka museum photos
N22 Soviet SU-100p Experimental heavy Assault Gun (Object 105)
Self-propelled gun SU-100P or Object 105 was developed in 1949, Produced by a small experienced party. Was not at military service, in battles was not used.
- N22 Soviet SU-100p Experimental heavy Assault Gun (Object 105), 2014 September Kubinka museum photos
characteristics: weight -21.6 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 7800 x 3100 x 2262 mm. Armament SU-100P: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 100 mm. ammunition – 50 shots.
Armored protection: the forehead of the hull and the side of the hull – 15 mm.
Engine power – 400 horsepower, The maximum speed is 65 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 300 km., Depth of water barriers to be surfaced – 1.
Features of the construction of SU-100P: The base is special, General layout – in front of the machine on the right there is a motor-transmission compartment, to the left – the management section, the fighting compartment – in the middle and aft parts of the hull.
Armament – a cannon mounted on a pedestal, horizontal and vertical sector targeting mechanisms; telescopic and panoramic sights are installed.
Protection – the hull of a welded, from rolled armored plates; The fighting compartment is covered from the sides by reclining armored shields;
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine cooling system with an isolated air path, ejection; transmission mechanical double-stream; the gearbox is in one unit with a planetary gear; individual suspension, torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers of telescopic type; tracks are with rubber-metal hinges
N23 BTR-112 Soviet experimental heavy tracked armored personnel carrier (object 112)
BTR-112 was developed in 1949, only an experimental serie was issued, was not at the military service.
- N23 BTR-112 Soviet experimental heavy tracked armored personnel carrier (object 112), 2016 Febrary Kubinka museum photos
- BTR-112 Soviet experimental heavy tracked armored personnel carrier (object 112), 2016 Febrary Kubinka tank museum photos
BTR-112 Tactico-technical characteristics: Weight – 18.2 tons, Crew – 3 people, landing – 25 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 7100 x 3100 x 2200 mm.
Armament of BTR-112: machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 14.5 mm., ammunition – 500 shots; machine gun – 1 piece, caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 2000 shots. Armored protection: the forehead of the body is 25 mm.
Engine power, HP 400, The maximum speed is 65 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 300 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Design features of BTR-112: the base is a self-propelled SU-100 P, the hull is extended by 640 mm.
The overall layout – the engine-transmission and control compartment are located in the front of the hull; landing compartment-in the middle and rear parts of the car.
Armament – placed in the landing compartment: on the right – a 14.5 mm caliber gun on the turret installation, to the left – a 7.62 mm caliber gun on the bracket.
Protection – the hull is welded, from rolled parts, the landing compartment does not have a roof.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel; transmission mechanical, located in one block with a planetary mechanism of rotation (with a double power supply); individual suspension, the torsion bar is with hydraulic shock absorbers of telescopic type; caterpillars with rubber-metal hinge.
N24 Soviet SU-152G heavy experimental self-propelled gun (Object 108)
SU-152G was developed in 1949, An experimental serie was issued, was not at the military service and the battles.
- N24 Soviet SU-152G heavy experimental self-propelled gun (Object 108), 2016 Kubinka museum photos
- Soviet SU-152G heavy experimental self-propelled gun (Object 108), 2016 Kubinka museum photos
SU-152g performance characteristics: Weight – 23.8 tons, Crew – 5 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6460 x 3100 x 2262 mm.
Armament SU-152G: gun (howitzer) – 1 piece, caliber-152 mm., ammunition set – 42 shots; Armor protection; housing – 25 mm., shields – 15 mm.
Engine power – 400 horsepower, The maximum speed is 65 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 290 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Features of the design of SU-152G: Base – self-propelled SU-100P, The overall layout is in the back of the case.
Armament – a cannon (howitzer) is mounted on a pedestal, horizontal and vertical guidance mechanisms are sectoral; telescopic and panoramic sights are installed.
Protection – the hull of welded, from rolled armored plates, the fighting compartment (open from the sides) is protected by armored shields.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel, cooling system ejection; transmission mechanical double-stream; individual torsion suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers of telescopic type; caterpillars with rubber-metal hinges.
N25 Soviet SU-152P heavy experimental self-propelled gun (object 116)
SU-152P was developed in 1948 by the Uralmashzavod design bureau under the leadership of L.I. Gorlitsky on the basis of the SAU SU-100P. In 1949 a prototype was released. The ballistics of the gun had no analogues, the initial velocity of the projectile was 760 m / s. The tests showed insufficient stability during the shooting. Was not at the service, in battles was not used.
- N25 Soviet SU-152P heavy experimental self-propelled gun (object 116), 2016 Kubinka museum photos
- Soviet SU-152P heavy experimental self-propelled gun (object 116), 2016 Kubinka tank museum photos
characteristics of SU-152P: Weight – 28.7 tons, Crew – 5 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 7340 x 3120 x 2570 mm.
Armament of the SU-152P: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 152 mm., ammunition – 30 shots, rate of fire is 4-5 rounds per minute
Armored protection: shells – 25 mm., Shields – 15 mm.
Engine power – 400 horsepower, The maximum speed is 55 -65 km / h. Cruising range on the highway – 300 km., The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Features of the design of SU-152P: The base is special with the use of SU-100P nodes. The overall layout – the engine-transmission and control compartment are located in the front of the machine, the combat compartment at the rear of the hull.
Armament – the M-53 cannon of separate loading is installed on a pedestal, the horizontal and vertical guidance mechanisms are sectoral; telescopic and panoramic sights are installed.
Protection – the hull of welded, from rolled armored plates, the fighting compartment (open from the sides) is protected by armored shields.
Chassis – engine V-54-105 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel, cooling system with an isolated air path, ejection; transmission mechanical double-stream, individual suspension, torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers of telescopic type; tracks with rubber-metal hinges. Means of communication:
– 10RT-26 radio station
– The TPU-47 tank intercom
N26 Soviet SU-152 Experimental heavy self-propelled gun (Object 120)
SU-152 Experimental Assault gun or Object 120 was developed in 1965. A prototype has been issued. It was not in military service and the battles.
- N26 Soviet SU-152 Experimental heavy self-propelled gun (Object 120), 2016 Kubinka museum photos
Tactico-technical characteristics of the “object 120”: Weight – 27 tons, Crew – 4 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 6870 x 3120 x 2820 mm.
Armament: gun – 1 piece, caliber – 152 mm., Ammunition – 22 shots. Armored protection: the forehead of the hull and the turret is 30 mm.
Engine power – 480 horsepower, The maximum speed is 63.4 km / h, Cruising range on the highway – 280 kilometers, The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1 meter.
Features of the “object 120”: The base is a special one with the use of some SU-152 P nodes. General layout – the combat compartment is located in the stern of the hull and in the turret; the engine and transmission compartment is in the right, and the control compartment is in the left side of the hull.
Armament – the gun is located in the turret of the circular rotation; horizontal and vertical guidance mechanisms mechanical; the turn of the tower is electric, and the drive mechanism of the cannon is manual.
Protection – the body of a welded, armored rolled sheet; welded closed tower.
Chassis – engine 12-cylinder, V-shaped, four-stroke diesel; transmission mechanical, double-flow; individual suspension, torsion bar with hydraulic shock absorbers of telescopic type; tracks with rubber-metal hinges.
N27 2S3 Acacia Soviet heavy serial howitzer
2S3 “Acacia” (locust tree), 1969, soviet serial SG-152 mm self-propelled howitzer.
- N27 2S3 Acacia Soviet heavy serial howitzer, 2016 Kubinka tank museum photos
N28 Soviet 2S5 Hyacinth serial heavy Self-propelled gun
Soviet 2-S5 Hyacinth heavy self-propelled gun was developed in 1979, produced serially and was at the Soviet Army service.
- N28 Soviet 2S5 Hyacinth serial heavy Self-propelled gun, 2016 Kubinka tank museum photos
characteristics of the 2-C5 “Hyacinth”: Weight – 28 tons, Crew – 5 people, Overall dimensions (length x width x height) – 8330 x 3250 x 2760 mm.
Armament 2-C5: gun – 1 pc., caliber – 152 mm., ammunition – 30 shots; a machine gun – 1 pc., caliber – 7.62 mm., ammunition – 1500 shots; hand anti-tank grenade launcher – 1 pc., ammunition – 5 shots. Armor protection – bulletproof.
Engine power – 520 horsepower, Maximum speed, 63 km / h, Cruising range on the highway, km .. 500, The depth of the water barriers to be surfaced is 1.05 m.
Features of the design 2S5: Base – special with the use of units and nodes SU-100P.
General layout – control and engine-transmission compartment are located in front of the machine; The fighting compartment is in the middle and aft parts of the hull and in the closed armored deckhouse.
Armament – the cannon is placed in the armored wheelhouse and has a horizontal guidance angle of 15 °.
Protection – hull and felling welded, from rolled armored plates; There is a system for sealing inhabited compartments and a filter-ventilation unit. The chassis is the same as the self-propelled 2S3.
Exhibits out of 1993 catalogue
N30 Self-propelled searchlight SPU on heavy chassis
Self-propelled searchlight SPU. Developed in 1961 for the operation of troops in night conditions
- N30 Self-propelled searchlight SPU on heavy chassis, 2016 Kubinka tank museum photos
- Self-propelled searchlight SPU on heavy chassis, 2016 Kubinka tank museum photos
N31 Artillery mobile command and observation point
The mobile command and observation post of the artillery battalion commander and is designed to conduct reconnaissance and fire control in close interaction with motorized rifle and tank divisions during the battle.
- Mobile command observation point 1V15, 2019 Kubinka museum photos
characteristics 1V15: Weight – 15.2 tons, Armory – bulletproof 15-17 mm., crew – 6 people.
Base – MT-LBU, The maximum speed is 60 km / h, Power reserve – 500 km.
N32 2S4 Tulip Self propelled heavy mine thrower
2С4 “Tulip” 240 mm. self-propelled heavy mortar, Developed at the Urals plant of transport engineering. In service since 1971. Artillery command post: The war in Afghanistan.
- N32 2S4 Tulip Self propelled mine thrower, 2016 Kubinka museum photos