The structure and names of objects in Kubinka Patriot Park have changed several times. For a long time, starting in 2016, the main museum site was called the Aerospace Sector. Perhaps the original idea was to make a Russian analogue of the Aerospace Center and Museum in Le Bourget near Paris. Now the Aerospace Sector is renamed to Museum Site N1, which includes a flight simulator hall and an outdoor exhibition of aircraft. In addition to the museum site N1, airplanes and helicopters are present in the Patriot Park Expo area as a permanent and variable exhibition. We present defunct exhibitions as a virtual tour.
The VVS Air Forces pavilion virtual tour, no longer
- Russian modern Army aircraft scale models
- aviation weapons: guns, machine guns, rockets
- aviation bombs
- posters about WW2 famous pilots
- posters about air force pilot schools
- Russian Air Force pavilion and scale models of aircraft
- Aircraft service scale models (Patriot Park 2016)
- SU-30SM multirole fighter service scale model
- SU-35 single-seat ultra-maneuverable multirole fighter scale model
- TU-160 intercontinental supersonic strategic bomber-missile carrier scale model
- IL-112V light military transport aircraft scale model
- SU-34 two-seat fighter-bomber service scale model
- MIG-35 (MIG-35D) multifunctional front-line fighter scale model
- MTS (Ilyushin) medium military transport aircraft
- IL-76MD-90A heavy military transport aircraft scale model
- Yak-152 training aircraft scale model
- MIG-29K (MIG-29KUB) ship-based aircraft model
- Yak-130 single-seat ultra-maneuverable multirole fighter
- Combat and rescue helicopters scale models
- Aviation bombs and missiles: X58U guided aircraft missile
- X29T aviation guided missile (air-to-ground)
- R73 and other aircraft guided missiles
- KAB 500L guided bomb
- KAB-500KR guided bomb
- S-25 OFM unguided air-launched rocket
- S-25 OFM unguided air-launched rocket and S-24B, S-8KM
- FAP-50 M62 high explosive bomb
- AGITAB 500-300 propaganda bomb with leaflets
- RBC 500 SHOAB 0.5 disposable bomb cluster
- General view of the exhibition of aviation weapons in 2016 (archive photo)
Note the WWII history on the walls. At 2017 there are not the aircraft scale models.
Aircraft cockpits and flight simulators
The simulator room houses aircraft with the opportunity to view the cockpit. Sometimes, on holidays or during special events, flight simulators of airplanes and helicopters operate. Recently, mannequins with the uniforms of Russian pilots during the operation in Syria were installed
- MiG flight simulator
- New pilot uniform and Mi-24 helicopter simulator (2016)
- Helicopter flight simulators
- MIG fighter simulator cockpit
Integrated MIG-29 aircraft simulator in the aerospace sector of Patriot Park. In 2016, the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces presented the PT8-24 complex simulator for training and retraining of MIG-29 pilots (manufactured by ESVO company, St. Petersburg). PT8-24 (? Procedural Trainer) helps train all tasks associated with piloting, navigation and combat use of this type of aircraft. The composition of KTS-23 includes:
– MIG-29 Complex simulator,
– Workplace of a forward aircraft gunner,
– Workplace of the Objective Control System.
The simulator provides the ability to perform simple and complex aerobatics, combat use of aircraft weapons against air and ground targets, simulation of air combat and radio exchange with the flight director. Parameters of the MIG-29 simulator: length – 3 meters, width 2 m, height 2.5 m, weight 2,000 kg. The service life of the simulator is 15 years with a resource of 15,000 hours of operation. Preparation time for work in the deployed state is 15 hours, continuous operation time is 8 hours, break is 1 hour.
The operation of the simulator was demonstrated only during military holidays, Army Forum and International Army Games. Currently, Patriot Park provides this service and announces the cost only upon request.
Outdoor exhibition of airplanes and helicopters at the Museum site N1
On the outer area of n1 there is a collection of Sukhoi (Su) and Mikoyan (Mi) Design Bureau aircraft from the Cold War and modern times, including fighters, bombers and trainers. Helicopters are ordinary, sea and large transport. Drones of the first samples.
- The first exhibits near the strategic ballistic missile (2016 photos)
- Soviet shipborne helicopter Ka-27 Kamov (Helix A)
- Kamov Ka-27 side view
- Ka-27 marine helicopter rear view (2016 archive)
- Cold war era Mi-2 helicopter
- Mi-26 giant heavy transport for airborne forces
- MiG-27 fighter-bomber (2017 archive)
- Mikoyan MiG-29UB combat training fighter (NATO name Fulcrum)
- Mikoyan MiG-29 fighter (NATO name Fulcrum)
- Su-25T Grach (NATO- Frogfoot) jet aircraft against tanks, ships and bridges
Since the formation of Patriot Park, the Air Force exhibit on the open area of Museum 1 has changed from time to time, new planes and helicopters have appeared, tactical identification marks have been repainted, destroyed or reapplied. The name of this part of Patriot Park has changed, the management has changed, directors, colonels and generals have been arrested and imprisoned, everything has changed. To preserve the history of this part of the collection, we have posted photographs of the exhibit for different years from our own archives.

General view of the Patriot Park outdoor exhibition of museum site 1, where airplanes and helicopters are located (photo 2018)
Virtual Air Force Tour May 9, 2018 – Victory Day
Walking tour from the air defense exposition to tanks and armored vehicles during the Victory Day celebrations in World War II.
- View of the aircraft from the air defense exposition
- View of the aircraft from behind, nozzles and tails
- Airplanes in front of pavilions (Japan, Battle of Berlin, Kursk)
- General view of the pavilions from behind (Battle of Stalingrad, Moscow, ..)
- Airplane tails and nozzles
- Tactical number of the aircraft and camouflage paint
- Another part of the aircraft collection (fighters)
- More photos of the planes and their landing gear from behind
- Mi-26 Super heavy transport airborne helicopter
- Soviet and Russian helicopters in camouflage
- Fragment of a photo with a helicopter
- Panoramic view of the helicopters and hangars (airborne equipment)
Soviet and Russian Air Force uniforms and insignia
Patriot Park displays only a few examples of Russian pilot uniforms without any descriptions. In this section we provide a description of the uniform shown above, as well as other examples of everyday, dress, and flight uniforms from the authors’ own collection. The collection is complemented by rare photographs from the archive of Viktor Leontiev.
- The pilot at the plane, the technician in service uniform, N4
- Major General of the Air Force and officers, military parade rehearsal, N5
- WWI aircraft hangar and female military guide
- World War I Ilya Muromets Sikorsky heavy bomber
Other excellent examples of WWII and Cold War flight uniforms have been preserved by Colonel Teteriadchenko.
- WW2 1941-42 avia field uniform
- 1943, major T.V., old tunic M1937, but with new shoulder straps
- Colonel Fedor Teteryadchenko, 1948 (Cold War Museum)
- Colonel Fedor Teteryadchenko, 1949 (Cold War Museum)
- HQ colonel Teteryadchenko everyday uniform, 1960 (Cold War Museum USA)
- Colonel Teteryadchenko uniform for Feb 23 & November 7 celebration* 1960 (CWM USA)
- Teteryadchenko parade uniform at 1960 (M1955), M.B. private collection
- Colonel Teteryadchenko field uniform in 1960, same as Major Voronov, commander of the Missile Battery that shot down Francis Gary Powers
Literature, sources and additional materials on aviation
- Central Air Force Museum Monino (USSR – Russia), archives and photo gallery
- Kubinka airfield, Patriot Park part and the air group “Russian Knights”